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Thread: Programmable Logic traffic lights

  1. #1
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    Default Programmable Logic traffic lights

    Lets not beat around the bush, the Profilux can be complex to get your head around, particularly if you're new to it, or not used to dealing with such logical programming.
    There are also many features built into sensor which can delay triggering etc.

    When you have a complex problem to solve, such as "Only trigger if sump is low, there is no no leak, sump level is not too high and only between these specific times". If can be difficult to chain together the logic and see what is working and what is not, particularly when some sensors need to be inverted etc.

    In a perfect world, my proposal would be the following:

    Within the Programmable Logic overview screen, you list the gates and a summary of the logic used. I think it would be beneficial to include some type of traffic light system (red/green) when each set of logic is triggered, therefore you can easily understand what is triggering and what is not.

    I have four Switch channels each needing three sets of programmable logic (four inputs and then to link them together = 3 programmable logic), this would make it A MILLION times easier.
    Last edited by kingy138; 30.12.2019 at 22:12.

  2. #2
    Join Date


    I've added this to our feature request list, but I can't tell if and when we will implement this.
    For now you can assign the prog. logics to free switch channels to see the states.
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  3. #3
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    Reviving an old post, but I wanted to stress how something like this feature suggestion would be a game changer for programming logic...

    I recently rewired my GHL setup, as I moved it to a new cabinet.
    I have a P4, KHD, 2 x Doser 2.1, Maxi Doser, 3 x level sensors, Flow sensor, Vortech pump controller, Leak Detector, 2 x temp, PH, redox, GHL Fan with speed controller thing, 2 x power bars and Red Dragon pump control.
    I have two splitters cables, two expansion card and wires coming out of my ears.

    I have twelve programming logic gates and so much logic at so many different levels of (sensors, control circuits, sockets, etc etc).

    Rewiring the P4 was a nightmare, as unless you plug the sensors in the exact same port, obviously it doesn't work, but you don't know whats wrong.

    I had to sit and go through each programming gate individually, testing each of the 12, then work back to the control circuits and sensors to figure out what specifically was wrong, and then testing each of the sensors.
    Rewiring took me about an hour, fixing the subsequent issue on such a complex GHL setup took me about 10 hours.

    Simply having a traffic light (or similar status) against each programming gate would have made this process a million times easier.
    Likewise, in the connect app there is no description field for the programming logic, you try remembering 6 months ago why you did something the way you did it.

    Please improve programming gates, please.

  4. #4
    Join Date


    Yes need to fix the programming gates to make perhaps a name for the gate. Status lights would be nice

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