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Thread: KH Director triton control modes.

  1. #1
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    Default KH Director triton control modes.


    I'm having problems to understand the instructions, honestly... any friend I asked to help "translate English to English " well....they seem to be stuck as well.

    Could you please help to understand how the Add - on mode would work in my case

    I keep my system at 7.5dkh dosing all 4 Triton liquids at 46ml per day (2ml x23 times a day)

    If my dkh falls by 0.1-0.2dkh I usually raise the Triton by 1ml a day 46+1ml=47ml in this case and if it goes up I lower it accordingly.

    So I assigned the 5,6,7,8 pumps as Triton...It's set as slave to KH director and it's doser, Pump 4 will be used for something else if this works))))

    I would like my KH director to adjust the dosages up and down the same way I was doing it.

    what do I have to enter under fields
    Volume change,
    Limit for raise KH,
    Limit for lower KH

    When the doser adjusts will the 5,6,7,8 pumps dose in different times as set in Dosing overview? I have them dosing in 15 minutes intervals to avoid precipitation.????

    Option 2 -
    is to run No3 along side with my triton dosing on doser Nr4 to top up ONLY Alk if that falls below the nominal value..... leaving my Triton dosage as normal.
    so my Sodium Bicarbonate mix is raising my tank by 0.1dkh = 50ml

    How should I set this up if I want the Sodium bicarbonate ONLY dose the needed amount when it falls?
    Do I understand it correctly that it needs to dose at least something a day in order to work with Director or can it be dosing only when the value needs to be changed?

    Sorry for so many questions but Triton is very strong and last thing I want is to dump all that concentrated liquid in to my tank killing things.

    Many thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date


    Hi there,

    If you set pumps 5,6,7,8 to react based off the KH results, these additional or less dosages are adjusted throughout the whole day. As long as each dosage schedule is set to begin a few minutes apart, these will be no overlapping dose times for those pumps.

    Since the VOLUME CHANGE option is based on the +/- change of 1dkH difference, for the KHD to add or reduce 1ml when +/- 0.1dkH, your volume change would have to be set to 10ml.

    If your desired KH is set to 7.5 dkH and the KHD test result comes back with 6.5dkH, you are 1dkH below the desired value. Because the volume change is set to 10ml, your current dose schedules for the assigned pumps is INCREASED by 10ml throughout the day. If the test result comes back 0.1dkH below the desired value, the existing dose schedule will be adjusted to dose 1ml MORE for the day.

    With the LIMIT raise/lower KH, be sure to not set these too high so that adjustments are not so drastic if the KH result is more than 1dkH above or below the desired value (7.5dkH).

    Personally, I would not set your NO3 liquid to be controlled by the KHD as there is no relation between KH and NO3.
    If one day your KH test result is BELOW the desired value, your NO3 liquid will be dosed higher. Yet if the NO3 remains at an acceptable level, the KHD would ADD more NO3 when the tank may not necessarily need it.
    Last edited by Vinny; 26.07.2018 at 23:52.

  3. #3
    Join Date


    Hi Vinny, thank you for getting back to me,

    Sorry I meant Co3

    so is this correct?
    Volume change, 10ml
    Limit for raise KH, (daily dose 46ml +10ml volume change) ???? = 56ml
    Limit for lower KH 56ml

    or is it-
    Volume change, 10ml
    Limit for raise KH, 10ml
    Limit for lower KH 10ml

    the problem is I have no clue how the raise/lower are calculated and do they need to be the same or different.
    could you please give some more details on how these values are found?
    Last edited by Bagirka; 27.07.2018 at 11:53.

  4. #4
    Join Date


    I'm slightly surprised that the adjustments are triggered only if 1dkh fall is recorded and then 1dkh increase ...which makes a massive swing imo? Why not the 0.1 or 0.5 at best? I had never had such difference in my dkh. Is there a better way to control the parameters with automatic adjustments?

  5. #5
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    Volume change of +/-10ml IF dkH is 1dkH above or 1dkH below desired value.

    Limit for raise KH 10ml: This is okay if you want to have the KHD add no more than 10ml if KH result is 1dkH HIGHER
    Limit for lower KH 10ml: This is okay if you want the KHD to reduce your daily dosage by no more than 10ml

    As mentioned in the manual and in the KHD settings page, the KHD will automatically calculate the necessary adjustment needed for anything below or above 1dkH. Take a look at the text below the chart, an explanation of these changes are there.

  6. #6
    Join Date


    Now it's clear! Thank you!)))
    You explained it much better and shorter than that manual)))))

  7. #7
    Join Date


    Hi Vinny,

    I had a look through few other threads. Could you please let me know if these settings are correct in that thread (link below, please look at his screen shot pictures)... I mean ...why does this user has 72ml in this high and also in lower fields, wouldn't that stop all dosing completely as it's the daily dose +add on dose.... if it was would be mentioned right? but if it is right then what ever advice I was given creates even more confusion!!!!!! I must say this is been the most frustrating set up in my life..... for this money what we pay for these gadgets we shouldn't be begging for the logic behind extremely poor manual language! Two of my friends sold GHL in the first week of purchase because they could not understand any of this!
    Last edited by Bagirka; 27.07.2018 at 09:46.

  8. #8
    Join Date


    My explanation earlier still stands.

    In that example, the adjustment limits are 72ml for KH differences greater than 1dkH. If his daily dosages are greater than 72ml, then his settings will allow the KHD to deduct the dosage in his schedule by 72ml. If this dosage is less than 72ml, then no dose will occur for the day.

  9. #9
    Join Date


    One last question before I pack it up... unfortunately I can't understand what you mean in places ...sorry(((

    Will this work?

    Set value 7.5 dkh

    A the moment normal daily dosage is 46ml of Triton

    Volume change, 10ml
    Limit for raise KH, 10ml
    Limit for lower KH 10ml

    Lets say reading is 7 dkh

    so will it dose the usual 46ml a the 10ml extra (spreading out automatically within the day until the set value is reached to 7.5)
    Making sure that Limit for raise KH, 10ml will not exceed more than by 10ml


    Lets say my test value come back 8dkh
    with these settings will it stop dosing completely until DKH falls down or it will it dose 36ml (46ml minus the 10ml) until it's ready to dose the 46 again?

    Please don't hit me)))
    Last edited by Bagirka; 27.07.2018 at 13:44.

  10. #10
    Join Date


    I found someone who could help me and explain this part.... after testing it seems to be working (would be nice to see the add on dosing adjustments .... in the dosing "add on done" ...)
    Thank you for your assistance.

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