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Thread: Profilux 3 Temperature Sensor - Temperature Adjustment not saving

  1. #1
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    Default Profilux 3 Temperature Sensor - Temperature Adjustment not saving

    Dear GHL Support,

    My new Profilux 3ex system (Firmware 6.14) is displaying an incorrect temperature of 30.0 C. Measurements with a Salter Digital thermometer and JBL Mercury thermometer adjacent to the GHL sensor record 27.6 and ~ 28 C.

    I've examined a few forum threads on this topic and have attempted to follow the process of adjusting the temperature via GHL Control Center lowering by 2.4 C. After completing the "Adjust Temperature" I find the "Save changes" icon is greyed out.

    Confirming if the change has been applied by placing the temperature sensor in a cooler container of water yields no change in the displayed value.... so clearly no settings have been updated.

    Choosing to Calibrate the temperature sensor prompts for the ADC1 and ADC2 values (not knowing what these offsets could be) I choose OK and presto the "Save changes" icon is available, selecting this resets the temperature to 30.0 C.

    Not the desired result I'm looking for.

    Could you please suggest how I can resolve this issue taking note that I'm new to this product.

    Many thanks

  2. #2
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    After completing the "Adjust Temperature" I find the "Save changes" icon is greyed out.
    This is a usual behavior, GHL Control Center sends the command dirct to the ProfiLux.

    Confirming if the change has been applied by placing the temperature sensor in a cooler container of water yields no change in the displayed value.... so clearly no settings have been updated.
    If you want to confirm that it works you have to use the same water before and after you adjust the temperature. If the sensors shows you 30.0 C and you lower it with 2.4 C GHL Control Center should show you 27.6 C instant after you click "Adjust now".

    Could you please suggest how I can resolve this issue taking note that I'm new to this product.
    If you are 100% sure that the temperature is shown wrong you can only adjust it.
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  3. #3
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    Hi Artur,

    thanks for your prompt reply. I've located the issue. The temperature sensor was incorrectly plugged into the Level 1&2 PS2 DIN Port, hence the static value.

    In the past I've experienced pH stability issues with a competitor Aquarium Computer apparently due electrical interference from devices such as Metal Halide lighting ballasts, and Electro Static build-up. My 3 x sensors are placed adjacent to one another at the waters surface of the aquarium. Are the cables shielded sufficiently for the temp, pH, and conductivity to run next to one another over the length of the cables, or should some gap try to be created?

  4. #4
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    Are the cables shielded sufficiently for the temp, pH, and conductivity to run next to one another over the length of the cables, or should some gap try to be created?
    Not all cables are shielded, but there should not be a problem. You don't need a gap between the Sensor cables.
    No support or warranty issues over PM! Please send PMs to the moderators only if you have general problems with using the forum! Thanks for helping us to keep the support efficient.
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