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Thread: Mitras lx 6100 hv high noon

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Staten Island New York

    Default Mitras lx 6100 hv high noon

    Hello to all my brothers and sisters that use the mitras light fixture. i have been running my light fixture for a while now and would like some advice and feed back. First off i simply love my fixture and want to tank GHL for an amazing prodcut made for SPS nuts like me

    1. what is everyone using for high noon as far as their LED goes, Meaning how much percentage per LED

    1. how many hours a day are you running you fixture at its highest point

    1. can you possable post a screen shot of your project

    Now I Borrowed my freinds Apogee PAR meeter and I am a little confused by the reading and would like to know if something is worng, light needs calibration or is this just normal ?

    At high noon for me I am getting 290 PAR with all 6 Clusters LEDS on with the light fixture 8" above water line and PAR meter at 15" below the water surface diretly in the middle of the tank with no water surface movment ( No pumps on) on the sand bed at the 24" below the water line i am getting 157

    Are my clusters in need of replacemnet as i no they do loose PAR As they are used. Aby help, advice , suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Also if GHL WANT these back to do tsts on them let me know As I will send them back to you as long as you can send me a new set. If anyone wants to see a video let me know and i can post it as well.



  2. #2
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    why are you still thinking the LED clusters lost PAR?
    Did you do another meaurement in the past under the exact same conditions? What were the results then?

    You are writing about a measurement you recently did but where is the measurement you are comparing with?

    I think we only can talk about a reduced brightness if there where several mesuremens under the exact same conditions:
    - measurement in air, not in water to exclude influence of ingredients
    - same brightness of all LED channels
    - same energy options
    - all simulatons shut off (moon, acclimation cloudes, etc.)
    - same environment and lamp temperature
    - exact same distance of PAR-meter, exact parallel alignment of meter and lamp
    - in dark room

    the same things I already wrote you by email this weekend.

    If we have these measurement we can judge if there is an abnormal reduction of light power. But I doubt that there will.

    Lifespan for the LED is >50000h at 85°C at full power. Since we have never 85°C and rarely full power a much longer lifetime can be expected.
    In the first year you loose about 1...3%, after 10 years about 30%.
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  3. #3
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    To your second question - how to achieve max. PAR

    - set all channels to 100% for 10h - 14h - maybe based on the light sequence you had before with T5 or MH?
    - add a ramp of about 30 minutes before and after that
    - set energy options to high output at 100%

    the length of the illumination period really depends on your personal preferences and the light demand of your corals, I don't think there is the one setting for everyone
    No support or warranty issues over PM! Please send PMs to the moderators only if you have general problems with using the forum! Thanks for helping us to keep the support efficient.
    Kein Support oder Reklamationsabwicklung über PM! Bitte senden Sie an die Moderatoren nur PMs bei allgemeinen Problemen mit der Verwendung des Forums! Danke dass Sie uns dabei helfen, den Support effektiv zu gestalten.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Staten Island New York


    Hello Mtthias

    Yes i did get your email this weekend And i thank you for the super-fast response. As for your response above i have no data at all to support my LEDS have lost PAR. I am mearly just going by what i have seen others all over the internet post. Am I just assuming that 290 PAR READINGS are low 15" below water surface and this what it should be? Well i really don’t know so maybe you can tell me, what should i be getting with all leds on? I can seem to find a chart that shows PAR reading for my LX 6100 HV anywhere other then what others have posted.

    Secondly I tried to send you a copy of my light information is it ok to post here so that you can see if something is going on with my light fixture?

    Thirdly i see that you answered my second question above but this is not the definition i was looking for. this is what i was looking for and i hope the information not only helps me but others.

    what is a good spectrum of light for high noon for coral growth and color?

    Example only below of the detail i am looking of for all 9 LED colors
    blue 45 %
    yellow 9%
    white 89%
    hyper violet 100%

    Again i really want to thank you for taking the time to answer all my emails and posts I am sure in a couple week’s time i will get better and the GHL line of products, Your fixture is amazing and all the other products that i use


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