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Thread: How do I update SMS-module firmware through PAB?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Bohus, Sweden

    Default How do I update SMS-module firmware through PAB?


    I have look for information how to upgrade the firmware of my sms unit from 3.01 to 3.03 through PAB. I have found informations how to do with the serial connection but not how to do if I want to use PAB in the update process. I´m using GHL Control Center - latest version and a Profilux 3ex with firmware 6.11.

    I have some ideas that I should do the update with only the SMS modul connected to my Profilux PAB and use the commands below the Control Centers tab Extra/PAB/Firmware update and use the file ProfiLuxSMS_V303_boot.mhx but I need to have a confirmation of this from you because I have a rather complicated setup of other PAB devices.

    Today I have two different Profilux with their own PAB nets. One with two expansions boxes. one sms-module and 4 powerbars connected to PAB and one computer with two expansion boxes and two powerbars conected. I wan´t to connect this to one PAB net (and later on with more Profilux computers connected) just in order to use my SMS module for all of my Profilux. My ideas is to change my second computers device adress with help of Controll Center/communication/adjust device adress to 2 and create a PAB group 2 for that computers PAB net. Have I understand all correct?

    Sincerely Lasse

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lasse View Post
    I have some ideas that I should do the update with only the SMS modul connected to my Profilux PAB and use the commands below the Control Centers tab Extra/PAB/Firmware update and use the file ProfiLuxSMS_V303_boot.mhx but I need to have a confirmation of this from you because I have a rather complicated setup of other PAB devices.
    Yes, this is completely right. Please pay attention that only the SMS-Module and no other PAB-device is connected to the PAB-Ports during the update.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lasse View Post
    Today I have two different Profilux with their own PAB nets. One with two expansions boxes. one sms-module and 4 powerbars connected to PAB and one computer with two expansion boxes and two powerbars conected. I wan´t to connect this to one PAB net (and later on with more Profilux computers connected) just in order to use my SMS module for all of my Profilux. My ideas is to change my second computers device adress with help of Controll Center/communication/adjust device adress to 2 and create a PAB group 2 for that computers PAB net. Have I understand all correct?
    One SMS-Module can only be operated with one Profilux system. So one module for two systems unfortunately won't work.
    We can only recommend to use two SMS-Modules, for each system one.
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  3. #3
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    Bohus, Sweden


    What I understand - it is possible to have two separate Profilux 3ex at the same PAB net (or grid) if they have different identication number (possible to set at Controll Center/communication/adjust device ) but you in this case need to make a PAB subgroup (possible to do in Profilux 3 ex menu System/Configure PAB/PAB group) for each computer. If I look at the menues of the SMS module in GHL Control Center and edit alarms or create new alarms - I can see that there is a check square there you can put Profilux adress. (by deafault 1) My understanding of all this was that if you have a PAB grid of two Profilux computers (identification/adress 1 and 2), two PAB subgroups (1 and 2 - one subgroup to each computer) it shuld be possible with help of this check square (profilux adress) to chose from which computer (in the same PAB grid) the alarm event should come from. Have I totally missunderstand the PAB concept - is it nott possible to have 2 Profilux 3ex computers in the same PAB net with different subnets - and can´t the SMS module differ between different computers in the same net (grid)?

    Sincerely Lasse

  4. #4
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    Bohus, Sweden


    I need an answer if I totaly has missunderstand the PAB concept - is it not possible to have more than i Profilux 3ex computer in the same PAB net with different subnets and different communication indentifications - and can´t the PAB SMS module differ between different computers in the same net (grid)?

    I´m working with a large project and have some more in the pipline and the answer of this question has a huge importance for me.

    Sincerely Lasse

  5. #5
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    is it not possible to have more than i Profilux 3ex computer in the same PAB net
    It is possible but every PL need its unique device address and they only use the same wiring but are completely independent. There is no communication in between and there is no possibility of resource sharing.

    can´t the PAB SMS module differ between different computers in the same net (grid)?
    It´s not possible to assign a PAB device (regardless if SMS module, touch or any other) to more than one PL, so the answer is: No, the SMS module can´t be used for more than one PL at the same time.
    Last edited by Gunther; 06.10.2014 at 08:06.

  6. #6
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    Bohus, Sweden


    Thank you Gunther for the answer.

    Now I´ll start the process of rethinking. A negative answer is as good as a positive answer – I must only take another path in my thinking.

    A last question - In this case (with no communication between different Profilux computers in the same physical PAB net) is there any more advantages to have them on the same physical net than the freedom to address different PAB devices to different Profilux computer regardless where in the net they are physical connected?

    Sincerely Lasse Forsberg

  7. #7
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    is there any more advantages to have them on the same physical net than the freedom to address different PAB devices to different Profilux computer regardless where in the net they are physical connected?
    Not really .....

  8. #8
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    Bohus, Sweden


    Thank you

    Sincerely Lasse Forsberg

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