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Thread: Tunze Control Problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Tulsa, OK

    Default Tunze Control Problems

    Please help me figure this out. I have 2 Tunze 6095's with my Profilux connected with a Tunze 1 cable, Tunze 2 cable, and splitter. They used to work fine, both being controlled by the Profilux. I have the L1/L2 ports set to Current Pump 1 and Current Pump 2, with Umin = 3.0 V / Umax = 8.0 V on each. Under "current pumps", both pumps are assigned to group 1, permanent opposite, min @ 30%, max @100%, with right angle waves. The setup seems fine, unless I'm missing something. I'm using L3/L4 and L5/L6 for LED lights.

    When both pumps are plugged into L1/L2 through the splitter, neither pump runs at all.

    If I plug Tunze 1 directly into the L1/L2 port it works fine, switching pump 1 between 30% and 100% which tells me the pump is fine and the cable is fine.

    If I plug Tunze 2 directly into the L1/L2 port, it also works fine, switching pump 2 between 30% and 100%. So I think pump 2 and Tunze cable 2 are also fine.

    When both pumps are plugged in - NOTHING! Both pumps stop. If I unplug Tunze 2 from the splitter, then both pumps turn on with Tunze 1 being controlled and Tunze 2 being constant. If I unplug Tunze 1 from the splitter, the same happens, both pumps turn on with Tunze 2 being controlled and Tunze 1 being constant. What is going on?

    The controller appears to be working fine, I can see the voltages changing (on connected PC software) switching from high to low and back and forth. This made me think that I had a faulty splitter and/or cable from the Profilux to the splitter. I just got a brand new splitter today, and it still doesn't work.

    Any help? Suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date


    This made me think that I had a faulty splitter and/or cable from the Profilux to the splitter
    Not sure what you mean by "splitter and/or cable" - it should be a Y-cable like the YL2-1, YL2-2,5 or YL2-5. This Y-cables don´t have a separate cable (as I know)

    Maybe you try the PL-0644? It´s not usable for that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Tulsa, OK


    The splitter I am using is the YL2-1 (PL-0096). It has a cable that plugs into the L1/L2 port and the other end goes into the splitter. The actual splitter has a single female port on one side (for the cable) and 2 female ports on the other.

  4. #4
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    Could you try and test at another L-Port (e.g. L3L4) if the behaviour is the same here?
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Tulsa, OK


    Using the L3L4 port, Tunze 1 works fine (on L3). Tunze 2 does not turn on. I've tried swapping positions of the Tunze cables into the splitter, but it did not change, only Tunze 1 works and Tunze 2 is off. If I unplug Tunze 2 from the splitter it does start running.

    LED lighting appears to work fine using L1/L2.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Tulsa, OK


    Any other suggestions? It's very frustrating. Is there anywhere else to ask support questions like this or is this the right place?

  7. #7
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    Yes, this is the right place to ask for technical support.
    The described behaviour is really strange, it is hard to say what exactly causes this.
    We can only suggest to send your ProfiLux + Tunze-cables + Y-cables in to us for checking.
    Which country are you from?
    No support or warranty issues over PM! Please send PMs to the moderators only if you have general problems with using the forum! Thanks for helping us to keep the support efficient.
    Kein Support oder Reklamationsabwicklung über PM! Bitte senden Sie an die Moderatoren nur PMs bei allgemeinen Problemen mit der Verwendung des Forums! Danke dass Sie uns dabei helfen, den Support effektiv zu gestalten.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Tulsa, OK


    I'm in the US. Is there anything else from a programming standpoint that I should check?

  9. #9
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    You can of course post your pump settings here (screenshots of your settings 1-10V-interfaces and the pump settings),
    perhaps we find anything that doesn't fit ...
    No support or warranty issues over PM! Please send PMs to the moderators only if you have general problems with using the forum! Thanks for helping us to keep the support efficient.
    Kein Support oder Reklamationsabwicklung über PM! Bitte senden Sie an die Moderatoren nur PMs bei allgemeinen Problemen mit der Verwendung des Forums! Danke dass Sie uns dabei helfen, den Support effektiv zu gestalten.

  10. #10
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    Same problem here only my control has been working fine for 2 years until yesterday. I have 2 Tunze connected to same splitter you are using to L1/2 and a third into L3. I have been running them Permanent opposite and could observe their ebb and flow in the current pumps view and watch the voltages ebb and flow in the 1-10V interfaces screen. Now unless I activate Sinus waves the pumps remain stuck at their last settings if I deactivate waves. I've never had the waves option activated. It appears to be a glitch in the software. I am running firmware version 6.01 dated 18/11/2013
    Profilux 3 EX, Doser, Touch, Mitras x 4, Tunze Pump Control, and all the probes. 250G (84x28x24) mixed reef running since 2007.

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