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Thread: Connection with USB - please read first!

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    Default Connection with USB - please read first!

    Please follow these points if you are going to establish a connection between PC and ProfiLux using USB:

    • Always install first the matching and newest driver before you connect the USB with the PC!
      If you use our card PLM-USB you will find our newest driver at our download-page
      Important: there are 2 different drivers available - one for Prolific chipset, the other for FTDI chipset.
      If you are not sure which chipset (the name is printed on the chip of the USB-card) you have then you can install both drivers, this is not a problem.
    • If you are using a third-party USB-RS232-converter then you have to use the shipped driver, eventually look for an updated driver on the manufacturers website.
    • The USB-port will be displayed in the windows device manager under "Ports (COM and LPT)". There you can also see the assigned port number (e.g. "COM 7").
      In ProfiLuxControl this port number has to be adjusted under connection settings.
    • The COM-number in windows and the COM-number in the ProfiLux-device have nothing to do with each other - they need not to be matching!
    • The baudrate (transmission speed) of ProfiLux and ProfiLuxControl must be matching. Standard is 9600 for both, usually you need not to change them.
    • Even if you are using a USB-RS232-converter you must use our cable ProfiLux-SER between converter and ProfiLux!
    If the connection fails although then there remain these reasons:
    • The used USB-RS232-converter is not working correctly (hardware and/or driver are not according to the standards). Then there is only left to user another one (other brand / model).
    • A windows resp. a driver problem, sometimes the change of the COM-number in the windows device manager is successful (adjust in ProfiLuxControl accordingly). Additionally other devices and their drivers (e.g. bluetooth or IrDA) may cause problems.
    Please check these points and search for "USB" in this forum (there are many posts regarding this topic) before you write another post for this topic.
    Last edited by GHL Support; 30.03.2011 at 14:46.

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