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Thread: problem with adding extra power bar

  1. #1
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    Default problem with adding extra power bar

    Hi All,

    I have a Pro II EX that i have been using with only one 6 x digital power bar. This was set up S 9 - 14.

    I have purchased a new 6 x digital power bar and started to change the settings to the power bars

    First i only connected the origional power bar and re-named the socets S 5 - 10 and all worked well. I was able to correctly use these sockets. I have assigned s 5 - 8 (if there is a problem) to be on in the initial state.

    I then unpluged the first power bar and connected the new power bar and proceded to name the sockets S 11 - 16. Seemed to go well

    The problem now is s 5-10 is allways on due to it going to its initinal state and the new power bap does not work at all. I have comm and power to the two power bars.

    I connect the first power bar from the S1-4 in the pro II into the socket on the power bar sloseest to the red lights. I then dasie chain from the first power bar using the socket furtherest away from the red lights and then into the second power bar into the socket colsest to the red lights.

    I have tried to start over again and rename the origional power bar S5-10 but know i get no control at all

    What am i missing

  2. #2
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    when you connect only one powerbar to the ProfiLux - does it react as expected when you use the "manual override" function in ProfiLuxControl?
    Means: does the corresponding socket switch on and off?

    Are both yellow LED permanently on after daisy-chaning or do they blink?

    Is one of the western cables the troublemaker?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matthias View Post
    when you connect only one powerbar to the ProfiLux - does it react as expected when you use the "manual override" function in ProfiLuxControl?
    Means: does the corresponding socket switch on and off? Yes

    Are both yellow LED permanently on after daisy-chaning or do they blink? Permanently on

    Is one of the western cables the troublemaker?
    Mmmm. might be

    He is what i just did,

    Tried what you asked by changing the cables. I had been using the same cable to programme Sockets. ie Connect first power bar via Pro II and then programme S5-10, Un connect the power bar and connect using the same cable to the second power bar, then programme that to S11-16.

    After changing the cables I now have this problem, The first power bar now works as per it is programmed ie S5-10 will do as asked and programmed, when programming S11-16 and I select S11 and set its functions it turns on S10.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chippy70 View Post
    Mmmm. might be

    He is what i just did,

    Tried what you asked by changing the cables. I had been using the same cable to programme Sockets. ie Connect first power bar via Pro II and then programme S5-10, Un connect the power bar and connect using the same cable to the second power bar, then programme that to S11-16.

    After changing the cables I now have this problem, The first power bar now works as per it is programmed ie S5-10 will do as asked and programmed, when programming S11-16 and I select S11 and set its functions it turns on S10.
    Weid I know but that is what is hapening

  5. #5
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    you didn`t answer my questions:
    when you connect only one powerbar to the ProfiLux - does it react as expected when you use the "manual override" function in ProfiLuxControl?
    Means: does the corresponding socket switch on and off?

    Are both yellow LED permanently on after daisy-chaning or do they blink?

  6. #6
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    If you read your reply i have answered.

    when you connect only one powerbar to the ProfiLux - does it react as expected when you use the "manual override" function in ProfiLuxControl?
    Means: does the corresponding socket switch on and off? Yes

    Are both yellow LED permanently on after daisy-chaning or do they blink? Permanently on

    Is one of the western cables the troublemaker?

  7. #7
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    Please help!

    I have gone back to the basic again and started over, and I'm still having problems.

    I need your help!

    I have this problem now,

    I have programmed the first originall power bar to be S5-10 and it works as it should, when it is used by itself with no other power bar connested. All lights are solid.

    I have set the first power bar up lik this

    S5 - Skimmer - programmible logic 1 - skimmer delay 1hr after feed pause
    S6 - Return Pump - filter
    S7 - Closed loop pump - allways on
    S8 - Closed loop Om 4 way - allways on
    S9 - heater - temp 1
    S10 - heater - temp1

    This is working as it should, When I push the feeding button I get the skimmer to turn off, Return to turn off, The two heaters turn off, all is working fine. I then push the feeding button to cancel the feed timer and Return goes back on, two heaters turn back on (if needed) and the skimmer is off waiting for the 60min to finish and then it starts.

    So to me this power bar is working!!

    The problem is when I go to plug in the second power bar!!

    This is what I'm doing,

    I un plug western socket to the first power bar (S5-10) and plug the western socket (same Western socket) into the new power bar and programme it to be S11-16. Saving as I go along.

    I then unplug the western socket from the second power bar (S11-16) and plug it into the first power bar (S5-10). I then plug the other western socket (provided with the new power bar) into the first power bar (S5-10) and also into the second power bar (S11-16). As soon as I plug the western socket into the new power bar(S11-16) it turns on S5 and S10. As soon as I unplug the western socket S5 and S10 turn off.

    I can not set the sockets to work or anything

    GHL can I get some help please, Is there some thing I'm missing!!!

    Regards Roger

  8. #8
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    please do this:

    1. step: connect only powerbar 1 to the ProfiLux, activate manual override, switch all sockets 1 ... 24 on and off - which sockets are reacting?

    2. step: connect only powerbar 2 to the ProfiLux, activate manual override, switch all sockets 1 ... 24 on and off - which sockets are reacting?

    3. step: if all sockets reacted as expected then daisy chain them and do the manual override test again

    It is not interesting in the moment which socket should have which function in the future or what the predefined state should be - at the moment we must check if the hardware is working, and if not if it is bar 1, bar 2 or one of the cables.

    Please proceed exactly as I asked for in steps 1...3 and give me the result, like:
    bar 1: socket 1 reacts on 11 ...etc. bar 2: ...etc.

  9. #9
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    Test results in,
    Step 1
    bar 1 Socket 1 Reacts 5
    bar 1 Socket 2 Reacts 6
    bar 1 Socket 3 Reacts 7
    bar 1 Socket 4 Reacts 8
    bar 1 Socket 5 Reacts 9
    bar 1 Socket 6 Reacts 10

    Test 2
    bar 2 Socket 1 Reacts 11
    bar 2 Socket 2 Reacts 12
    bar 2 Socket 3 Reacts 13
    bar 2 Socket 4 Reacts 14
    bar 2 Socket 5 Reacts 15
    bar 2 Socket 6 Reacts 16

    To see if the other cord worked I then changed the western cords and the result is that I have no control at all using this cord.

    I did not do test 3 as i guess it is the cord?? Strange as I'm sure I have used it earlier.


  10. #10
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    Ok the cable seem to be the problem

    Can I number the 2 x 6 digital power bar's S1-6 - S7-12 and then the 4 x analog power bar S13-16.

    will this work

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