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Thread: Lightbar 3

  1. #1
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    Default Lightbar 3

    I bought the Ocean Deep and Coral Pop Lightbar 3, the coral pop has to go back to GHL Germany because it wont turn on ( Thank you Gael for all your help trying to get both bars to work) I have the Ocean Deep working, but have not got a clue how to set turning on and off times, altering the colours of the lamps, I want my light to turn on at around 10am and off at 10pm within around 3hrs of moonlight. I have tried setting Thunder storms but nothing happens, I can get Lightning if I manual trigger the lights.
    Any advice will be most welcome.


    PS I have been trying it using GHL Connect App

  2. #2
    Join Date



    If you connect to your ProfiLux via the app, press the menu icon, choose Illumination, then Illumination Wizard. Go through the steps provided and it will help you setup this LB variant with the correct illumination channels. Afterwards, you can create your schedule using Multi-channel Setup.

    When you receive your LB3 Coral Pop, you can use the same wizard to set it up (this time choosing both the OB and CP together) and create your schedule afterwards.
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