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Thread: Non-relevant measurem. values I deselected previous time keep coming back inoverview

  1. #1
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    Default Non-relevant measurem. values I deselected previous time keep coming back inoverview

    There are like 10 different measurement values to show, like potassium, magnesium that I am not interested in. For me only Temp, pH and Cold are relevant: still I always get all 10 shown when I select Measurement values, and every time(!) I have to deselect the ones that ar not of interest to me.
    Why is my selection of the 3 relevant (ticked boxes) not stored?

  2. #2
    Join Date



    are you talking about GHL Control Center, GHL Connect app or myGHL? And which section exactly?
    In the app, the selection of the elements to view on the chart is saved when using the dashboard. At the logbook page the selection is currently not saved.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thilo View Post

    are you talking about GHL Control Center, GHL Connect app or myGHL? And which section exactly?
    In the app, the selection of the elements to view on the chart is saved when using the dashboard. At the logbook page the selection is currently not saved.
    Hi Thilo,

    GHL Control Center.

    With kind regards,

  4. #4
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    can you give me short summary what are you trying to do?

    As far as I understood, you want to select values in the GHL Control Center that should be showed in the ProfiLux display or on the App / myGHL?

  5. #5
    Join Date


    Hi Sebastian,

    1) It's very simple, when I want to look at Measurement data in GHL Control Center I do not want to see graphs of KH value, Calcium Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Nitrate so I need to deselect them. Only after that these graphs are not shown. After exiting and starting up GHL Control Center again I want to see my Measurement data and see the those same 6 graphs (with their selection boxes ticked) again!? The deselection of graphs is not saved upon exit of GHL Control Center!
    2) In the list of sensor types I want to see all 12 I have in a certain sequence, which can be done by clicking on one and keeping mouse button pressed while shifting it up or down in the list. After exiting and starting up GHL Control Center again I want to see my Measurement data and see the original sequence, not the sequence I created myself. The sequence of graphs is not saved upon exit of GHL Control Center!
    Left is what I keep getting when starting up GHL Control Center, in the middle are the deselected sensors and the selected sensors in the sequence that I want to see them (that works fine until I exit GHL Control Center), right is the unsaved status of the middle picture after starting GHL Control Center again.
    IMG_1098 (1).jpgIMG_1099 (1).jpgIMG_1098 (1).jpg
    Last edited by themoose; 18.06.2024 at 17:55.

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