Hello Dave,

All descriptions available on GHLConnect are descriptions that are stored in the ProfiLux memory.
The descriptions for the programmable logics in GCC are only stored on the computer running GCC, so it is not possible to add them to GHLConnect without modifying the functioning of ProfiLux.
We generally do not modify the programmable logics very often so it is not incoherent to use GCC when you work on this specific part, GCC is a very comfortable software which allows to open several tabs at the same time, the logics to left of the screen and the switchs channels on the right, for example, which is useful for getting a global overview.

No, the knowledge base article is still valid, it says Function just above Operator.

"Pump" are pumps assigned to Pump groups.

"Filter" is use to get Feed pause status

Here is more information about the operation of your ProfiLux:
