yes finally success ....................Well after all that I was able to get it to work with all the above help and artur help really did the trick, But I also noticed that my redox is now reading 358 from 197 So resetting the PAB not only fixed the conductivity it also fixed the Redox I guess when you install a new probe or anything else the PAB NEEDS TO BE REMOVED THEN ADDED FOR IT TO WORK.

I want to thank everyone for all there help and GHL But on a side note you guys and gals from GHL, but you really need to come up with better user manuals or videos AS most of the information almost sounds like riddles please don't take this the wrong way but something that needs to be worked on. Again thank you for all the help and I am now a happy reefkeeper again

I have a another question but will start a new thread, Give you a hint moon simulation and temperature calibration
