It's going to be long, sorry
It's like this from day one, two years ago!
I have PL 3ex with all 4 electrodes 6bar and dose pump, 5m later ex box1 with all 4 electrodes 6bar and dose pump, 5m later ex box2 with all 4 electrodes 6bar and dose pump, 5m later ex box3 with all 4 electrodes 6bar and dose pump. All FW are updated.
Ex box 3 use to send an short alarm for temp than ph than redux and so on every 5 minutes and stop all day long. After a fw update it stopped and instead I got pub com alarm 4-5 times a day.
I now added two more exboxes and 6bars the alarm just going crazy!! My electrodes alarm is enabled and still from ex box 3-5 all connected electrodes are sending alarm one after the other the p3 stop reading them for a fraction of a second and it's ok again.
Obesely I can't work with the SMS unit which is my ears and eyes when I'm away… what should I do?