PC Program with all options as on ProfiLux unit...

Labels (descriptions) for sockets & 1-10 come across everywhere they are used... ex. under maintenance it would be nice to see what I have set for each.

Multiple feed pause and maintenance options to set up different scenarios. Target feeding vs. feeding fish....water change vs. pump maintenance. (Either push ESC and you scroll to the one you want or push ESC 1 to 4 times to choose, as example.)

Feeding Pause and Maintenance option under every channel setup. Socket, 1-10, illumination.......with a drop down of which feeding or maintenance scenario I have set up to use and a delay period. (Examples are endless....Feeding Pause 2 - 10 mins, Socket 2 Skimmer delayed 30 mins and in the pumps section I could choose Feeding Pause 2 at min, Feeding Pause 1 off....I know I can do most of this in Program Logic but this would make things more organized IMO)

Under Maintenance an active over-ride option, so I can turn things on that are currently off schedule... to test...

Thanks Matthias for your consideration and brilliant work.