Okay thanks, I'll update to the new firmware next week.

Its not that convenient to access the profilux control remotely because I use Apple computers & the profilux control is loaded on a windows laptop that I had to buy specially for profilux control, and is only used to for updates. I understand that I could run windows on my iMac, but I'm not going to do that.

I think I speak for most people on this forum, since its been raised a few times, that we would appreciate seeing some productivity going into the Touch. It has the potential of being an integral piece of equipment, but as it stands, its being left behind.

1. Display / control current Vortech mode
2. Ability to input reminders / or receive reminders from the web server or iPhone
3. Rename maintenance & feed pause keys
4. Name the switches in the manual mode ( people are using stickies at the moment )

I know you're limited by resources and focused on improving the whole range, but a little TLC on the touch would be appreciated by many.