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Thread: Why are the optimum viewing angels differed from on Touch to another?

  1. #1
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    Default Why are the optimum viewing angels differed from on Touch to another?

    I recently received a replacement Touch from GHL because the one I had showed some strange behavior when displaying Graph's. Good service from GHL to send me a replacement one, no problem so far....

    But when I installed the new Touch and switched it on I immediately saw that the viewing angle was totally differed than the one I had. If I look up (from below) at the Touch the viewing angle is great. But when I look down(from above) at the Touch the viewing angle is really bad, If have to sit almost straight in front of the Touch. Not great because my Touch is mounted at hiphight, so I have to go down on my knees:mad:

    It looks like the internal mountingposition of the screen in the Touch is 180degrees different between my old and the new one?
    Now I have to go down on my knees to get a good readable view of the Touch, with the old one I could read the Touch standing up.

    Display illumination on the new Touch 70% to get a good reading my old one was set at 20% brightens for the same amount of light

    Why these differences and is there a way to solve this..........??

    Last edited by mdanielse; 18.01.2013 at 20:00.

  2. #2
    Join Date


    after shipping a few hundred ProfiLux Touch this is the forst cpmplaint about the viewing angle ...

    no, there is no solution for it, the viewing angle can't be changed

    maybe you tilt it a little bit for the optimal view?

    as you may suppose we are not the producer of the display, we have no influence how they built it

    you can get your old Touch back if you want when we are ready with examining the stored data
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  3. #3
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    I am not changing the old Touch back when you have examined it, than we again have to swap the units.
    If the corrupted graph's problem is solved with the swap of the Touch units(have to wait and see when we hit the +-14000 datapoints mark with this new Touch unit) than I am happy and just have to do some extra knee bends a day to get good readings from the Touch.

    (PS: My old Touch was send to you Yesterday, hope that it helps you solve the corrupted graph problem)

    Quote Originally Posted by Matthias View Post
    after shipping a few hundred ProfiLux Touch this is the forst cpmplaint about the viewing angle ...

    no, there is no solution for it, the viewing angle can't be changed

    maybe you tilt it a little bit for the optimal view?

    as you may suppose we are not the producer of the display, we have no influence how they built it

    you can get your old Touch back if you want when we are ready with examining the stored data

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