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Thread: HELP NEEDED -- Programming of lights...

  1. #1
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    Frage HELP NEEDED -- Programming of lights...

    I have 2 specific requests for programming help. I've tried just about everythingthat would seem to make sense, but I can't seem to make it do what I want it to do...

    Issue #1
    I have a very large 11 foot long tank, and therefore to create a thunderstorm I am using 4 Simu-L sticks on both L1/L2 and L3/L4. I have the Simu-L sticks positioned with L1/L2 on left & center, and L3/L4 on center & right. This is so the lightning strikes can randomly take place from side to side rather than all at once across the large system. I do not want the red channels (L2 & L4) used for anything, ever!

    The problem is when I have just 2 sticks on L1/L2 everything worked fine, but adding L3/L4 and nothing works.

    System --> 1-10v interfaces: I have set the L1 and L3 values to both be Illum-1 and Illum-3 respectively, and have adjusted the Output Signal to 4v and 10v for each. The L2/L4 channels have been set to Illum-10 which does not exist, to be certain they remain OFF.

    Illumination --> Illumination 1 & 3: I have both channels set at 12:00am and 100% brightness, only Thunderstorm and Dimmable are checked.

    Illumination --> Illumination 2 & 4: Empty, nothing checked.

    Illumination --> Thunderstorm: Monday & Thursday, 4 storms setup for 60 minutes each, Intensity is 20% with 0% darkening, Random is 60 minute duration with waiting set for 2 & 50. Manual start is set for 5 minutes.

    Issue #2
    I have 3 T5 fixtures running 6 Actinics plugged into Powerbar #3 that are on outlets #17, 18 and 19. I'm wanting to be able to have these run from 6:00am to 8:00am and again at 8:00pm to 11:00pm every evening, while at the same time being able to set them as VARIABLE ILLUMINATION to operate on my preset DARK DAYS of Monday and Thursday, which are also the Thunderstorm days...

    I have attempted to use Program Logic #G3 to list Illumination-7 (daily dawn & dusk times for T5 Actinics) and Variable Illumiination #3 which calls the same T5's from 8:00am to 8:00pm on Monday and Thursday only. This did not work for me!


    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, because as soon as i have mine properly setup, I'll need to do the exact same for a client with a nearly identical sized system as mine. I will need very descriptive step-by-step instructions, and thank you all in advance.

    Last edited by TGreene; 31.12.2010 at 18:24.

  2. #2
    Join Date


    to #1 - I think the settings are OK, maybe you should change L2 and L4 to "not used"
    what does it mean "nothing works"? the LEDs are not illuminated at all? flashes are not happening?
    maybe you swapped the channels in the SIMU accidentally?
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  3. #3
    Join Date


    I didn't notice before that "Not Used" was an option... L2 and L4 have been changed now. :-)

    In regards to illumination and flashes, there is nothing happening. In the event that the channels may have been swapped, how would I swap them back..?


  4. #4
    Join Date


    You can swap channels under System/ 1-10V-interfaces/ Program LED-lamp

  5. #5
    Join Date


    How to make sure they are allk 4 on the same channel?


  6. #6
    Join Date


    With "manual illumination" you can test to which channel the red and blue LEDs each react.
    Please make sure that you always have only one LED (that which has to be programmed) conneted to the L-port when you do the channel swap.

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