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Thread: Checklist for sending Mail with ProfiLux3

  1. #1

    Default Checklist for sending Mail with ProfiLux3

    Because we had a few questions about messaging functions of the ProfiLux3, here is a little checklist for all interested users to get mail-sending-function running without stress:

    1. Add new Message in ProfiLux (E-Mail-Notification ProfiLux)
    2. Add subject, content and recipient (is a must!)
    3. Select sending condition
    4. Select domain-SMTP-mailsending-server (only in special cases use IP-SMTP)
    5. Put in the SMTP-server-domainname of your favourite provider (IMPORTANT: Put in SMTP-server, not POP3 or IMAP)
    6. Check if port is correct (Should be port 25, but can be different at some providers)
    7. Complete realname and mailadress of your account
    8. Check if your provider needs authentification (in most cases YES!)
    9. Add username and password (Case sensitive - please check again!)
    10. Send Testmail...


    - SSL-encoding is not supported. So please don`t use those providers: Hotmail,, Gmail

    - Your mail may be on its way for several minutes, this does not depend alone on the ProfiLux computer, but is depending from the routing of your provider and the used mailservers in between you and your recipient.

    - The WLAN card for ProfiLux (PLM-WLAN) is no replace for an ethernet connection. Please use a WLAN bridge if you need wireless Ethernet. (Mail+Webserver) This can easyly be connected to your ProfiLux.

    What to do if mail sending fails?

    - Please check if your provider only lets you send mails encoded. (please see above)

    - Check the functionality of your webserver (test http-Server, test ntp-Server, test ping)

    - Check if your router is blocking connections (Firewall?)

    - Try another mail provider to be sure

    What big mailproviders have been tested by GHL to be 100% compliant with profilux series3?


  2. #2
    Join Date



    It was al working well, but after the last firmware upgrade I don't receive any e-mails anymore.

    When I send a test message, the mail is delivered. But the auto mails are not send.
    My Profilux is on version 6.16

    Nothing is changed in the settings, I have my own mail server and nothing has been changed on the server neither.


  3. #3
    Join Date


    Yeah, mine did the same.
    I have an exchange server and had to remove my password and authentication from the profilux and it seemed to work. (Very backward and not secure I know) But as it is on the same local hub, I am ok with it at the moment.

    Also not a good idea asking questions on the sticky information threads, as it makes it harder to understand the thread function.(Should have been locked by admin maybe)
    Call me Paul !
    Note: I am not GHL staff!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antipodes View Post
    Yeah, mine did the same.
    I have an exchange server and had to remove my password and authentication from the profilux and it seemed to work. (Very backward and not secure I know) But as it is on the same local hub, I am ok with it at the moment.

    Also not a good idea asking questions on the sticky information threads, as it makes it harder to understand the thread function.(Should have been locked by admin maybe)
    Sorry for putting my question in the wrong thread, but this was the closest I was looking for.

    I already removed authentication, a test message is send without any problems, but the real messages are not send

  5. #5
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    Please restart the ProfiLux (unplug power cable for few seconds) after you changed the e-mail settings.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artur View Post
    Please restart the ProfiLux (unplug power cable for few seconds) after you changed the e-mail settings.


    This worked, thanks.

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