Hello Profilux-users,

I have a question about using the digital connection for the dosingunit.

On S1-S4 I have connected a standard STDL-4 powerbar. On S5-S8 a 4 unit dosingunit. I want to use the digital connection for the dosingunit.

When I want to activate digital control on S5-S8 via PLC I get a warning: if an STDL-4 is connected on S1-S4 (like I have) it will be damaged.
(Can someone please explain why it will be damaged? I really want to understand it.)

So I thought: connect the dosingunit on S1-S4 and the standard powerbar on S5-S8. This results in the same warning: if a standard powerbar is connected on S1-S4 it will be damaged.

I suppose this implicates that this combination can work but is this true?
So what is the correct way to connect the dosingunit digitally and the STDL-4 non digital?

The latest programming guide (FW 5.00) only describes a digital connection on S1-S4. So I think it's not up to date. Or have I overlooked something?