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Thread: Lost Logbook Following Time Update

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Beitrag Lost Logbook Following Time Update


    Please can someone assist with resolving my access to view the myGHL Logbook?

    My device despite having daylight savings option enabled 'Change from winter (standard) time to summer time', did not update the time so I manually changed it yesterday however since correcting the time in GHL Control Centre via PC Time the web app no longer allows me to view Logbook entries.

    Firmware Version: 7.38

    When accessing the Logbook I see the below view.


    I've selected items and date range for past two weeks til todays date and still nothing.

    I waited 24hrs before reporting this in hope it fixed itself.

    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date


    I've managed to get the logbook back following a further reboot of the Profilux 4.

    Thought I would share in case anyone else ran into the same issue.

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