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Thread: PH Alarm Deviation

  1. #1
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    Default PH Alarm Deviation

    The PH in my calcium reactor is normally rock steady, between 6.80 and 6.82. If it varies above that, something is wrong, and I'd like to be notified by an alarm. But GHL Connect isn't letting me set the alarm deviation below 0.5. Is there something I can do to make this work?


  2. #2
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    Hello Dave,

    Changes will be made to pH management soon, it will very soon be possible to set the maximum alarm deviation value to 0.1pH instead of 0.5pH

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gael View Post
    Hello Dave,

    Changes will be made to pH management soon, it will very soon be possible to set the maximum alarm deviation value to 0.1pH instead of 0.5pH

    Ok, thanks. It's odd that there's a limit at all, but it's nice that that will be fixed! Do you have a rough ETA for when that update will be out?

  4. #4
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    The date is not fixed because the update will not bring this only change but it should be in the days/weeks to come.

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gael View Post
    The date is not fixed because the update will not bring this only change but it should be in the days/weeks to come.

    Looking forward to it! Is it written up anywhere, what will be included in the update?

  6. #6
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    Yes, like every time, you will have to look at the Changelog:

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  7. #7
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    I'm asking if there's anything I can see now, not after the update.

    And I found a bug, I was going to post about it somewhere else, but I'll tell you here.

    There is a 16 character limit for sensor names. But if you use all 16 characters, that messes up alarm notifications. Alarm emails can only handle up to 15 characters in a sensor name. This is easily reproduced. I can give you more details if you don't know what I'm talking about. Is this a known issue?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave_T View Post
    And I found a bug, I was going to post about it somewhere else, but I'll tell you here.
    There is a 16 character limit for sensor names. But if you use all 16 characters, that messes up alarm notifications. Alarm emails can only handle up to 15 characters in a sensor name. This is easily reproduced. I can give you more details if you don't know what I'm talking about. Is this a known issue?

    Like this?

    Last edited by Gael; 28.01.2023 at 18:29.
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  9. #9
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    I'm not sure what I should be looking at in those screen shots.

    Here is an example, this is from the daily status email I have it sending me.

    Alkalinity : $$SENV[k]$$
    $$REPS[32][0]$$$$SEND[x]$$ : $$SENV[x]$$

    This sends:
    Alkalinity : 7.9dKH
    Sump Temp : 78.5F
    Sump Orp : 496mV
    Sump pH : 8.19pH
    Sump Salinity : 1.0247
    Calcium Reactor : 6.82pH
    Tank Temp : 78.4F
    : 3.72pH
    : -968mV
    : 0.9mS
    SaltMix Temp : 78.1F
    : 3.73pH
    : -968mV
    Saltmix Salinty : 1.0252

    UV/ Heater Pump : On
    Kh Director : On
    TurfScubberPump : On
    Skimmer Pump : On
    Sump cooling fanRefugium Light : Off
    Refugium Light : Off
    TurfScrubberLighTurfScrubberLighFleece Roller : On

    TurfScrubberLighFleece Roller : On
    Fleece Roller : On
    Ato Solenoid : Off
    Skimmer neck clnReturn Pump : Off
    Return Pump : On
    Saltmix Heater : Off
    Expansion Box : On
    Sump leak alarm : Off
    Test socket : On
    Saltmix MP40 : On
    RO SolenoidValveGyre Back : On
    Gyre Back : On
    Gyre Ends : On
    Expansion Box : On
    Mitras MR. : On
    Mitras Master LFGyre Wifi ModuleMitras RR. : On
    Gyre Wifi ModuleMitras RR. : On
    Mitras RR. : On
    Mitras MF : On
    Mitras RF. : On
    Mitras LR. : On
    Right feeder : Off
    RightFeeder PumpCo2 Valve : Off
    Co2 Valve : Off
    Calcium Pump : On
    CO2 Solenoid : On
    Air Solenoid : Off
    Versadosercalc : On
    UV Ballast : On
    Left feeder pumpLeft Feeder : Off
    Left Feeder : Off
    Mitras light : On

    Frag Tank Flow : 210g/h

    Notice how any label that is 16 characters gets concatenated with the label following it. Like with "Sump cooling fan", "TurfScrubberLigh", "Skimmer neck cln", ...

    And it sure would be nice if you got rid of the 16 character limit! It forces people to abbreviate the names of things. I suspect your code is "C" code, with fixed array lengths... This would be a pretty easy thing to fix.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave_T View Post
    I'm not sure what I should be looking at in those screen shots.

    Here is an example, this is from the daily status email I have it sending me.

    Alkalinity : $$SENV[k]$$
    $$REPS[32][0]$$$$SEND[x]$$ : $$SENV[x]$$
    Yes it is a known problem that is in the list of things to fix.

    In my screenshots I had given you an example of code that is not impacted by the bug for the sensors because you had told me about the sensors.
    Use this instead for sensors:
    Alkalinity : $$SENV[k]$$

    But in your example the problem occurs elsewhere.

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