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Thread: Ion Director: Is anyone still waiting for their pre-order?

  1. #1
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    Default Ion Director: Is anyone still waiting for their pre-order?

    Hi All,

    Just wondering if anyone is still waiting for their pre-order or have all of the pre-orders been fulfilled now?


  2. #2
    Join Date



    yes, there are still a few hundred open IOND orders and we are very sorry for the waiting time.
    But we made progress and will announce soon more information about the IOND and especially about the sensor, I kindly ask all customers to give us still some more time until we have all information really confirmed before we do the next official announcement.

    If you would like to get more information about your order please feel free to contact GHL directly, preferably over the ticket system.

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    Kein Support oder Reklamationsabwicklung über PM! Bitte senden Sie an die Moderatoren nur PMs bei allgemeinen Problemen mit der Verwendung des Forums! Danke dass Sie uns dabei helfen, den Support effektiv zu gestalten.

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