dear all, any experience with ION in fresh water? any feedback on the measurement range ? my intentionis to keep
Na 60mg/l
K 25mg/l
Ca 12 mg/l
Mg 40 mg7l
No3 (not detectable)
dear all, any experience with ION in fresh water? any feedback on the measurement range ? my intentionis to keep
Na 60mg/l
K 25mg/l
Ca 12 mg/l
Mg 40 mg7l
No3 (not detectable)
IOND is a saltwater device and not intended for freshwater.
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Ok this is clear as principle but does anyone try to check the tap water with this equipment? i m very curious to see if somebody tested it.
Capture d’e?cran 2022-10-10 a? 21.59.08.png
Measurements can't be displayed outside of IOND range limits.
Last edited by Gael; 10.10.2022 at 21:01.
Ansich funktioniert das nur die Messbereiche sind außerhalb vom süsswasser Bereich, somit bekommt man keine brauchbaren Werte.
Hab es mal probiert messen tut er aber wie gesagt die der Messbereich und die kalibrierlösung passen halt nicht.
Gruß Mario
Das Limit kann nicht verändert werden, die Messungen sind von den Limits der Referenzen A / B definiert.
Und den kalibrierpunkten in der Software.
i would appreciate somebody that had experience to check this expensive system with tap water share with me own experience, i m gonna buy this ION but no before somebody tried to test it in fresh water. I appreciate your feedback but as i said i was asking ....quote<< hallo somebody checked tap water with ION? and if yes what about results or not results?>> your answer (appreciate as i said) does not contain this answer
However, my answer answers your question perfectly.
I know perfectly how the IOND works and I am one of the first to have had it in hand and what you want to do will not work.
As already said, it will display low limits values (375, 975, 293, 8025 and maybe a possible no3 value).
The product is simply not designed for the use you want to make of it.