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Das ist der Inhalt der Email: (den Link habe ich natürlich deaktiviert!)
Sent: xxx
Subject: ProfiLux Shop Edition Released!

Dear customer,

ProfiLux is proud to present the new ProfiLux 3 shop edition. This version is based on the personal ProfiLux 3 but it was modified to fit the needs professionals need to manage an aquarium shop.

We have added extra features for professional use. The software can manage up to 100 different probes in 10 different environments. The software has fully integrated WIFI and can keep you updated with your shop by e-mail or SMS or with a direct internet connection.

The best part is you can try it for free. That’s right, download a demo of the new windows based program below and see for yourself.

Click Here To download ProfiLux 3 Shop Edition

© 2009 by GHL Matthias Groß GmbH & Co. KG