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Thread: Log Book Reminders

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Default Log Book Reminders

    I have noticed that there are two ways to add Reminders. One though the main drop-down menu and secondly in Logbook.

    The Reminders that you see in Logbook are only those that are set up in the Logbook. Is that correct?

    Why are there two places for reminders and why can't both show in the Logbook.

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date


    Because the first is historical and is managed by Profilux and Touch and the other is only in MyGHL.

  3. #3
    Join Date


    Sorry, I don't understand the reply.

    The Reminders under the drop-down menu are in my GHL and I can add and manage them and I get the reminders when due in myGHL but not in the Logbook. So it is not just managed by Profilux and Touch.

    So if I set up reminders through the drop-down menu in myGHL they are not going to show on the Logbook so what is the point of having two places in the same interface - am I missing something?

    Very confusing to say the least.

  4. #4
    Join Date


    The "real" reminder is in the drop-down menu, it existed long before the existence of myGHL, we can configure it with the GHL Control Center software, the reminders are displayed on the LCD screen of Profilux and Profilux Touch, they can be displayed in email notifications. It only exists on Profilux.

    The logbook reminder is new and completely independent, it has nothing to do with the original reminder and is available on all GHL products using myGHL. He is not available in the GHL Control Center software, the reminders are not displayed on the LCD screen of Profilux or Profilux Touch, they can't be displayed in email notifications. He is only a part of the online logbook attached to the GHL device.

  5. #5
    Join Date


    Right OK I think I understand it now.
    Are you intending replacing the original reminders with the Logbook reminders with the those being shown on the screen and sent in emails notifications.
    Just trying to understand which I am better using. Not sure I want the confusion of two sets of reminders
    Many thanks

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