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Thread: Problems with setting up propeller control

  1. #1
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    Default Problems with setting up propeller control


    I cant seem to make the propeller control work with Profilux and I suspect the problem is not the propeller control but either my settings or my controller. The biggest issue is that I dont receive temp alarms when I should . I tried everything , i cant get temperature alarms for some reason , even when the difference (actual temp) from alarm threshold is (nominal value +hysteresis) of 3 * C . Please see the screens attached.

    I tried restarting the profilux with no success. I can provide any and all info to help me sort this out.

  2. #2
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    Hi there,

    Since you are using the cooling difference feature, this is also taken into account by the alarm limits and activation thresholds of your fans.
    Please see pages 46-48 of the P4 Programming Manual for more information on how cooling difference is involved.

    Cooling difference is only necessary if you are seeing the heater and cooling methods competing with each other.

    Make sure you've set the correct 1-10V interface channel to Temperature - Controller output

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vinny View Post
    Hi there,

    Since you are using the cooling difference feature, this is also taken into account by the alarm limits and activation thresholds of your fans.
    Please see pages 46-48 of the P4 Programming Manual for more information on how cooling difference is involved.

    Cooling difference is only necessary if you are seeing the heater and cooling methods competing with each other.

    Make sure you've set the correct 1-10V interface channel to Temperature - Controller output
    Hello Vinny

    I set the cooling difference to 0. Still no alarm is triggered. See my settings :

  4. #4
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    The alarm is not triggered because it does not meet the conditions of your settings.
    In order for the alarm to be activated, your temperature would need to reach 27.4 °C and higher. Since your current temp is 26.3, it is below the threshold and the reason why you are not getting an alarm.

    See page 48 for an explanation of how this works.
    Last edited by Vinny; 10.06.2020 at 18:03.

  5. #5
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    Thank you Vinny. I found out how everything works now.

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