Good morning

Apologies if this is answered elsewhere, I have tried Google and forum searching with key words

I have a Maxi Doser set up for automating water changes with two water containers next to the tank.

Each night, Head #1 takes 2000ml out of the tank into a Waste Water container and Head #2 puts 2000ml of fresh saltwater back into the tank from a second container. This is set up to operate at the same time so that the water level does not drop, and is working well.

My problem is with the Alarm and Level states. I need the doser to pause dosing for both Head #1 and Head #2 if there is an alarm state caused by one or both containers being full/empty.

Currently, I have the doser set to Always On but the dosing doesn't stop when the waste water container is full and in Alarm state, so it just keeps taking water out and spills over the floor because the container is full.

I tried a Logic switch with "Alarm OR Alarm" which successfully turned the doser off when the container was full, but then I got a PAB Communication Error on the Doser and it was quite tricky to get it reconnected after resetting the alarm (and emptying the container).

Can you please tell me how to pause dosing on alarm state or empty/full container state?

Kind regards