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Thread: Presales Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Frage Presales Advice


    Current Apex user very tempted by the KH Director (and ION Director in future) due to the non-availablity of the Apex Trident in Europe.

    If understand correctly the KH Director can be run stand-alone with a Doser 2.1?

    I guess then to expand to the ION Director would need a slave doser (+ the IOND itself)?

    Thinking longer term:

    What is the neatest (fewest cables, least connections) return pump solution to use with a Profilux controller?

    What plans for integration of Red Sea products (wave pumps and LED Lights)?

    Is there an auto feeder for the Profilux?

    ATO via a Doser Maxi + level sensors?

    Heating control via a heater plugged in to a smart powerbar? Possible to run two heaters on separate power bars for resilience/redundancy?

    Thanks in advance for some answers.

  2. #2
    Join Date


    Hi there,

    Yes, the KH Director can be run using a Standalone Doser 2.1
    Since you do not have a Standalone Doser or ProfiLux controller, I recommend getting the KH Director Standalone set.
    That will include everything you need to get started with KH testing and control.

    When you're ready to add the ION Director, you can do the ION Director Slave set.

    Depending on how you're planning to control a return pump, the cleanest way to do it is by connecting the power plug to an available powerbar. That way the ProfiLux can turn it ON/OFF when needed. If you have a pump that supports 1-10V control, you can have the ProfiLux control it when you use the S-Port & L-Port breakout box and the manufacturers communication cable.

    Any light or pump that supports 1-10V can be controlled by the ProfiLux. If that product does not support it, then the controller cannot control the light or speed of the pump.

    Autofeeder is coming soon.

    ATO w/ GHL Doser is doable.

    ProfiLux can control your heater when it is plugged into one of the powerbar outlets.

  3. #3
    Join Date


    OK so my KH Director and Doser 2.1 arrived on Tuesday.

    Set up the doser but had a minor issue Ticket 2435 refers.

    @Vinny am I OK to set up pump 4 to dose Red Sea B while I wait for resolution of my ticket or will this cause problems?

  4. #4
    Join Date


    As long as the issue is not on pump #4, you can go ahead and setup your dosing schedule on that head.

  5. #5
    Join Date


    It isn't so I'll give that a go thanks

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