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Thread: Mitras LX 7000 Series - Illumination Settings - Sorry for the Naive Question

  1. #1
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    Default Mitras LX 7000 Series - Illumination Settings - Sorry for the Naive Question

    So I have a person that was managing my tank who set up my Profilux 4 - Mitras system beautifully (BUT - was not managing my algae). So in other words, I have a beautiful set of lights but then a not perfect looking tank. My new person is old school and has been a little slow in learning how to control my dosers and Mitras settings - then along came the reality of the world we live in and I'm now managing it myself until the stay at home orders are lifted. I'm not complaining about the situation - just trying to learn. My current person thought my illumination settings were too high causing algae so he had me reduce them - but frankly other than a percentage - I don't know what I'm actually reducing. I have three lights on a 180 gallon tank. Original person had them set up on multiple channel model and had them come on at 8 and then off around 7 - ramping up so that the high point was mid day. I have reduced them to Illumination Setting 1 (ONLY) - which starts at 8 - 20%, 9 - 25%, 10:45 - 30%, 11 - 35%, 12 - 50%, 1:15 - 30%, 5 - 20%, 6 - 10%, and then off at 7 p.m. Again, not sure if that means anything to you all - but my worry is some of my coral look worse than when I had them all set at 15-20% higher, but algae has improved but I also reduced feeding. Anyway - would welcome thoughts / feedback and I'm sure there are plenty of you rolling your eyes on this basic question - just trying to orient myself to what I need to do.

  2. #2
    Join Date


    Hi there,

    From the sounds of it, your light schedule was setup using Multichannel setup.

    In that case, if you wanted to reduce the overall light output you could go through each time-point and reduce the intensity of each channel. If you're happy with the overall color produced by the lights, you can reduce each channel by the same amount. The video here explains the options available in Multichannel setup:

    Start at 6:13

  3. #3
    Join Date


    Awesome. Thank you. I will review video - I did that step down on intensity for all channels. I didn't know if there was a way to change individual colors within the multi-channel set up. Again - could be in video which I will review. And frankly - wondering if while I am set up for illumination 1 - if there is a 'preferred' setting by users. Thank you for the response!

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