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Thread: Problem using Doser 2.1 SA in Slave mode as ATO

  1. #1
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    Default Problem using Doser 2.1 SA in Slave mode as ATO

    I have a Profilux 4 with two power bars and a Doser 2.1 SA set to slave mode. All are assigned to the Profilux. I want to use dosing pumps 2 & 3 as ATO. First, I assigned the ATO functions to sensors 1 and 2 respectively, assigned these to dosing pumps 2 and 3, and finally used two unused switch sockets (51 and 52) to the dosing pumps with sensors 1 and 2 respectively. Not clear to me if you can use a socket designation if there isn't a corresponding power bar assigned, but it seems you can.

    I can run the dosing pumps manually, no problem. However the ATO sensors are not functioning, even though they did when I configured the Doser in stand alone mode.

    I've followed the instructions on this video ( exactly, and checked the settings repeatedly. I have also powered off and on the doser and P4, and removed and reassigned the PAB devices. I've exhausted all the steps I can find.

    Any thoughts on how to proceed, please share them. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    for better insight of your system and configuration, you can open a support-ticket and provide your Settings.par,
    which you can create in GHL Control Center 'Backup and Restore' and attach it to this ticket:

    Please state there also, where the level sensors are installed and what you are intending to do, in order to understand the issue better.
    No support or warranty issues over PM! Please send PMs to the moderators only if you have general problems with using the forum! Thanks for helping us to keep the support efficient.
    Kein Support oder Reklamationsabwicklung über PM! Bitte senden Sie an die Moderatoren nur PMs bei allgemeinen Problemen mit der Verwendung des Forums! Danke dass Sie uns dabei helfen, den Support effektiv zu gestalten.

  3. #3
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    Thank you. Unfortunately, when I attempted to back up the settings on my Profilux, I receive an error msg that the file doesn't exist. I can submit screen shots from gcc until I resolve the backup issue.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  4. #4
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    Photos of your current LEVEL settings will help us determine if any changes need to be made.
    To which port are the sensors connected to?

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