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Thread: Help replicating gentle ebb/flow wave pattern...

  1. #1
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    Default Help replicating gentle ebb/flow wave pattern...

    Hi all,

    I have a 5'x2'x2' tank with two Tunze 6105s that are connected independently and correctly to my Profilux 4.

    Up until now I've just been sort of blasting water flow all over and am now looking to fine tune my flow and start to lock in my coral placements.

    I'd like to create a gentle ebb/flow pattern across the tank.

    I realize every tank is different, but here are my questions:

    1. Generally, what would placement be for the powerheads? I just need a place to start then I can finetune to match my rockwork.
    2. I'm having a hard time finding the right configuration and settings in all the Stream Group boxes. I need some handholding here.

    Can anyone help?

    Last edited by lylelovett; 18.08.2019 at 17:42.

  2. #2
    Join Date


    What i have done is put one on each side of the tank.

    I like to use the Sinus Wave on one side with a min and max of 30 and 60. And then use Sequence 1.

    The other option I have done.

    Two independent Stream groups, one sinus at 30 to 60, and the other stream group at constant at 30-50% depending on your tank size, with thunderstorms at 80% and night like 20%.

    Quite a few options

    Hope this helps!!

  3. #3
    Join Date


    It does help. Thank you.

    What is the difference between Min/Max Duration and Min/Max Wave Duration?

    There are so many options I feel like I'm sort of at a crossroads where I don't want to glue/place my corals in their permanent place without locking in the flow.

  4. #4
    Join Date


    Glad to help

    If you have multiple pumps in the same stream group and depending on the mode you choose it is the minimum and maximum time it will remain on the first pump before going to the next one.

    Choose from several wave mode options to run pumps together or in sequence. Min/Max duration allows you to fine-tune the timing of the pumps.

    Sinus waves gradually ramp up and ramp down the flow between the minimum and maximum speed.
    Right-angled waves create a sudden jump in flow output.

    Hope this helps explain it a bit better!!

  5. #5
    Join Date


    Hi KevinR,

    I'm back to this after ages - life got away from me and I never set it up.

    Would you be able to attach a screen-grab from your setup, assuming you are still running it this way? I just need to visually see it to understand.


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