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Thread: Concerns on LX7206 LED diodes

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Idee Concerns on LX7206 LED diodes

    Recently I bought a new GHL LX7206. With the user experience of radion, AI hydra, kessil, I have some concerns about LED diodes selection in LX7206.

    1. Why introduce sky white?
    -from spectrum, I see the sky white only have more weight on light wavelength>500nm than blue white. If we need enhance this portion, we can use red, green channel.

    2. Why there is a valley between UV and violet?
    -In XR30 and AI26, from 380nm -420nm is more flat. why GHL select two peaks in this range?

    I would recommend:
    -remove sky white, and leave this channel to 400nm UV, which can make a more flat spectrum for this range. XR30 is so outstanding of color pop, just because the heavy ratio of UV and violet channel. Maybe GHL can also borrow this to LX series.

    what do you think? GHL?

  2. #2
    Join Date


    Hi there,

    We appreciate the feedback. We have run independent studies and tests on different combinations of LED configurations. The current combo provides the best balance of spectrum for color and growth.

    What is in the LX7 is more than capable of growing and coloring up coral. In many cases, beyond what the competition offers.
    The correct LED channel setting can give the same level of tissue florescence.

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