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Thread: KH Director triton control modes.

  1. #11
    Join Date


    Glad it makes more sense now.

  2. #12
    Join Date


    That's it! I'm done with this!!!
    Stupid director measured 1.5dkh during the night (real measurement at 11 pm yesterday was 7.6) .... why this? ....well...because it wanted to, also there was NO alarm although I had it switched on high 7.7 - low 7.3!

    There was no reason for that and more over with these settings
    Volume change, 10ml
    Limit for raise KH, 10ml
    Limit for lower KH 10ml

    it dumped in 78ml of my triton during the night, why?!!! If it had to do maximum of 10ml on top of my 46 daily!!!!

    I'm very disappointed not just with this item but actually with the Extremely poor and unprofessional assistance.
    I asked 1 straight question MANY times and got answers on equations I NEVER asked in a language which nobody around me in ENGLAND could understand!
    Believe me ...this is what most GHL users think of costumer service!
    Last edited by Bagirka; 29.07.2018 at 11:01.

  3. #13
    Join Date


    We're sorry to hear you feel that way about our service.

    Please post a screenshot of your exact KHD settings to get a better idea if this was a result of the KHD or incorrectly configured settings.

    If you do a manual test, what is the KH result?

  4. #14
    Join Date


    I'm not near the KH director to do a picture atm, sorry

    Manual tests most of the week and last night where the same
    last night at 11 pm hanna 0.2 - 0.3 (MORE than KH director)...KH director 7.6 I did this measurement manually before I went to bed

    Todays test
    2am (can't see the measurements as I could not see the recordings, running the director and dosing separately as SA and the rest as slaves to it)
    8am Hanna 7.8 (KH director 1.5dkh)
    8.30am Hanna 7.8 (KH director 8.1dkh)
    This bothers me that this can be in such swing !!! Please notice the fact that Hanna was way higher than KH director all week, today Director is way ahead, I'm very precise with testing and keeping all equipment extremely clean

    I know settings from my head so here it is.

    Dosing Triton other method
    all 4 channels dose equally 46ml a day 23 times = 2ml per dose
    They are spread out dosing every 15 minutes (example pump 1 start 00:00, pump 2 start 00:15, pump 3 00:30.... etc etc)

    All this was working fine for 1.5 years with no issues,

    KH director settings,

    Set value 7.5
    Alarm 7.3-7.7

    Pump 1 Water sample
    Pump 2 Reagent
    Pump 3.Waste
    Pump 4 EMPTY
    Pump 5 Triton 1
    Pump 6 Triton 2
    Pump 7 Triton 3A
    Pump 8 Triton 3B

    Volume change, 10ml
    Limit for raise KH, 10ml
    Limit for lower KH 10ml

    Testing 4 times a day

    What I've noticed that the calibration of the water sample tube needs to be done every few days now, as it changes anywhere from 34ml to 36.8ml per min. I use extremely accurate measurements, with 1ml syringe (and I've checked the value again just in case I've made a mistake...all was correct) Could you please tell me if this is normal and the tube is just expanding "curing" . I never experienced the issue with my dose tubes.

    I've recalibrate the pumps many times over and over, they are all correct.
    Calibrated probe as well...again all looks fine I compared with my other ph probe on profilux 4 so fine again!

    I'm in my tears (I'm a woman so I'm allowed LOL) but this is just awfully all over the place.
    Somehow I managed to do the other gadgets so I don't think I'm that incompetent ...however this one is one strange machine.(((

    All I want is to go to my holiday soon, without worrying if it will go crazy again
    Last edited by Bagirka; 29.07.2018 at 16:09.

  5. #15
    Join Date


    New manual measurement
    7pm Hanna 7.8dkh - KH director 7.6dkh (as you can see it's going down again and changing places)

  6. #16
    Join Date


    It is common for Hanna checkers and other traditional test kits to show some difference between the KHD and those kits (Hobby grade test standards vs. Lab grade test standards).

    There are many more variables to consider when testing with traditional test kits.
    The result from a Hanna checker can be greatly skewed from fingerprints, dust, deviation in water sample volume, amount of power added, duration of mixing and sitting before testing, etc.

    With that said, a 0.2dkH difference between the checker and KHD is acceptable.

    If you dip the KHD probe in pH4 calibration fluid, does the pH reading in the KHD settings page show a pH of 4?
    Please also test this with pH7 fluid.
    What is the outcome?

    The pH probe from the P4 and probe from the KHD are NOT the same. The pH probe for the KHD is a modified pH probe made specifically for this purpose.
    Last edited by Vinny; 30.07.2018 at 15:48.

  7. #17
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    I don't see how Hanna and my finger tips have anything to do with a massive swing from 1.5dkh to 8.1dkh on a director within minutes between testing!
    I trust my hanna and that result is consistent when Directors results are all over the place in this example.
    I've calibrated many times the probe, and the pumps as well, just like I do on my P4 without any incidents or issues.
    Ph probe is fine...I did test exactly like you said the same day it happened.

    PS. you never answered about the tube you supply with the item, why is it changing calibration all the time? Just in case you doubt ...we are very capable to measure correct volume to the drop. Half of the family are doctors.

  8. #18
    Join Date


    I was referring to testing in general, not the sudden decrease reading from the KHD.

    The 1.5dkH reading could have been caused by an air bubble that was once trapped along the reagent line (externally or internally) or feed line. If you do consecutive tests and all their readings are close to each other, that further suggests the deviation was due to a trapped air bubble now moving.

    Looks like I missed the water sample calibration comment. If readings are slightly different each time, you can do the calibration a few times and take the average result rather than the end-result of a single calibration.

  9. #19
    Join Date


    If you want to get the normal KHD reading closer to your Hanna checker, you can alter the end-result in the KHD settings page.

  10. #20
    Join Date


    Thank you for your reply, I will try your suggestions. I'm getting somewhere but not there yet so I can leave the system)))

    I was thinking about a bubble causing the low reading or KZ Coral snow (however from Coral snow to KH testing was about 8hrs away and I run heavy mechanical filter but it seems very possible)

    Could you please comment on few things below so I can sort out the issues.

    1. About Add-on dosing
    Dosing Triton 46ml a day 23 times 2ml per dose
    DKH set value 7.5

    Volume change: 2ml (does this mean that if dkh is(7.3) less it's less than set value (7.5) .... will it add to my normal dosing 2ml a day...=48ml, or does this +2ml to each dose until it has reached the set value and until a new DKH test is performed?)

    Limit for raise KH: 2ml (does this mean that it will dose max 2ml a day on top of my 46ml if the reading is lover than set value?)

    Limit for lower KH: 2ml(same as above but minus 2 a day from my normal daily dosing?)

    The reason why I ask is that my last 10ml settings seemed to add a lot when the reading was less than set value at each dosing.

    2. Would you please help me to find a problem with the connection to P4
    At the moment I have

    P4 + two power bars (separate)

    SA doser, KH director and another doser which is slave connected as PUB. (separate prom P4)

    I would like to join them and use full potential of charts and recordings.

    When ever I connect all devices to P4 as PUB devices and tick Enable KH director an amber light is flashing.
    So I tested each device by removing one by one and it only flashes when KH director is present.

    What am I missing here?
    I checked all pumps and they seemed fine?
    Plus there is no Amber light when the SA doser, KH director and another doser which is slave connected as PUB is connected without P4.
    Last edited by Bagirka; 31.07.2018 at 15:51.

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