Hi all,

Using GCC 1113 and same with 1114 I have two weird issues.

  1. When using "Activate Manual Override" and then closing down GCC (without any errors) I then go to my P4 but it is still flashing "Manual Override". I turned this OFF in GCC and even closed down GCC but it stays in Manual Override. I have to reopen GCC and then tick it and untick it....
  2. 2. Is with a normal Plug bar (not digital) just with On and Off. Also I set the digital Temp sensor on the P4 to nominal value 25 (TEMP 1) then setup the switch, to heat using TEMP 1. But they just just stay on......... Then go back into GCC Activate Manual Override and then untick it and the Switch turns off like they should. It's just not reliable. Any suggestions?

Would really help!