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Thread: The new Webinterface for ProfiLux4 und Mitras LX7 is now available

  1. #1
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    Default The new Webinterface for ProfiLux4 und Mitras LX7 is now available

    The new Webinterface for ProfiLux4 und Mitras LX7 is now available:


    File transfer.png

    This is a major release and it is necessary to follow exactly the instructions and manuals as follows:

    The new minimum requirements for Mitras LX7 and ProfiLux4
    Die neuen Voraussetzungen fuer Mitras LX7 und ProfiLux4:
    1. ProfiLux 4 Firmware version: 7.11
    2. Mitras LX7 Firmware version: 1.07
    3. WiFi-Module version: firmware.bin, Version: 6619
    4. Webinterface-file '.\WebContent\index.html.gz', as of 02/16/2018

    These points match also the step-by-step-procedure, in order to do the whole update successfully.

    The manuals and current WiFi-module files for the update are downloadable from our Download-Center:

    Known problems and solutions:

    * If a WiFi-update over the Webinterface is unsuccessful also after several retries, you can use the WiFi-Update-Tool and update
    the WiFi-module over the ProfiLux4 or Mitras LX7-USB-connection, in order to get the latest firmware 6619 up and running.

    * The update of the Webinterface is done by choosing 'Settings->File transfers' in the old interface with the file index.html.gz

    * An update of the filesystem at delivery with the file spiffs.bin deletes the current WiFi- and mailconfiguration and is only necessary, if the
    webupdate fails.

    * After uploading the new Webinterface, the browsercache must be emptied by reloading with the keycombination Ctrl+F5.
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  2. #2
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    Thank MatthiasF great job :-)

    But i can't find where we can see Measurement graph like this:
    Capture d’e?cran 2018-02-16 a? 15.54.23.png

    Same problem with Android app, i did not found it.

    This feature must absolutely come back, tracking parameters is essential for an aquarium computer.

    Last edited by Gael; 04.03.2018 at 09:45.

  3. #3
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    This will be a future release.

  4. #4
    Join Date


    Ok, no problem.

    But hope in the coming weeks, not in 6 months.

    Thank :-)
    Last edited by Gael; 04.03.2018 at 09:47.

  5. #5
    Join Date


    I have the Web Interface Installed thoroughly impressed a great first step !!!

    A Few thing I noticed missing, but figured I would post so known:

    1- Can we get the Vortech Menu Added?
    2- Can we get Amps Added to the Outlets and I would say for both the GCC App and this?
    3- Are we going to be able to do the System type functions within the P4 Interface? (Example add a device, upgrade a device)
    4- Can we get advanced program logic in the P4 and the GCC App also?
    5- Notification Options?
    Last edited by KevinR; 22.02.2018 at 04:01.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by KevinR View Post
    I have the Web Interface Installed thoroughly impressed a great first step !!!

    We are glad you like it as we do.

    1- Can we get the Vortech Menu Added?
    2- Can we get Amps Added to the Outlets and I would say for both the GCC App and this?
    4- Can we get advanced program logic in the P4 and the GCC App also?

    These functionalities will come step-by-step.

    3- Are we going to be able to do the System type functions within the P4 Interface? (Example add a device, upgrade a device)

    Those 'system functions' rely on physical connections (USB for firmware upgrades, PAB-devices). Although it would be possible,
    this is not a daily task and hard to realize. But never say never ;

    5- Notification Options?
    We plan this for one of the next release cycles and it will show states and alarms.
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  7. #7
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    We are glad you like it as we do.

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinR View Post
    1- Can we get the Vortech Menu Added?
    2- Can we get Amps Added to the Outlets and I would say for both the GCC App and this?
    4- Can we get advanced program logic in the P4 and the GCC App also?
    These functionalities will come step-by-step.

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinR View Post
    3- Are we going to be able to do the System type functions within the P4 Interface? (Example add a device, upgrade a device)
    There are no plans yet. Those 'system functions' rely on physical connections (USB for firmware upgrades, PAB-devices). Although it would be possible,
    this is not a daily task for any user and takes longer to realize.

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinR View Post
    5- Notification Options?
    We plan this for one of the next release cycles and it will show states and alarms.
    No support or warranty issues over PM! Please send PMs to the moderators only if you have general problems with using the forum! Thanks for helping us to keep the support efficient.
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  8. #8
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    #5 thank you so much for that feature, will it also include dosing pumps States also then?

  9. #9
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    My mitras has a blank web page after doing the firmware update, so I can't upgrade the web pages. How do I upgrade them so they work? Right now the web interface is just a blank page.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by networkcrasher View Post
    My mitras has a blank web page after doing the firmware update, so I can't upgrade the web pages. How do I upgrade them so they work? Right now the web interface is just a blank page.
    You will have to upload the filesystem.
    Navigate to: http://[MitrasLX7-IPAddress]/update
    and browse for the file 'spiffs.bin'

    After reconfiguring the WiFi-settings via GHL Control Center, the webinterface should be back again.
    No support or warranty issues over PM! Please send PMs to the moderators only if you have general problems with using the forum! Thanks for helping us to keep the support efficient.
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