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Thread: Mitras LX7 connection and firmware issue

  1. #1
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    Default Mitras LX7 connection and firmware issue

    Dear Friends,
    Some time ago I received my Mitras LX7206 lamp.
    I first installed it in a Windows 10 PC but couldn´t update the firmware.
    I followed videos, indications, posts, etc, but every time I tryed to update the firmware, it was not possible.
    It "says" there´s a comunication problem etc.

    So, I decided to try on a different PC. A Macbook with Windows 10 installed in a partition.
    I downloaded GHL Control Center and installed the USB cable on the lamp.
    But unfortunatelly, when I introduced the other end of the USB cable in the PC, nothing happened.
    It simply makes nothing.
    No USB installation, and therefore no comunication with GHL software.

    Don´t know what to do.
    An other strange thing is that the light looses Wifi comunication one day and an other, so I have to cut it´s electricity, plug it again, and a few minutes later, it restores the wifi settings.

    I would REALLY appreciate some ideas here, since the light is giving me the hardest time.



  2. #2
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    Forgot to mention, that, when it starts de Firmware update, the lamps goes off, as it should, then on, and I receive a message saying that can't communicate with the lamp any more and that I should turn it off to restar. That donde, no update is completed and I am left where I started.

  3. #3
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