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Thread: Question on what to Buy

  1. #1
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    Default Question on what to Buy

    Good Morning,

    I am a apex user, and with a heavy investment into the product like others who have posted been having issues since I upgraded to the latest version and can no longer risk losing my tank contents by the chance the controller shuts down.
    I have a few questions, and I been scanning the forums trying to learn as much as possible, so here comes the questions so I can determine what I need to buy:

    Question #1:
    Lighting, I use a Cebru Sun Lighting which is 6 outlets, and I control the outlets via the season table, with custom programing that simulates the metal l Halide turning on east to west on the tank, with the 1 Pair of Antics turning on 60 minutes before the sun rise, the second Actinics turning on 30 minutes before sunrise, then the 1st Halide turn X minutes after sun rise, the second one and so forth and reverse out. I currently do this programing on the Apex outlets, can the same thing be simulated on the outlets offered?

    Question #2:
    What does Proflux have to offer to simulate moon light, I currently use the Lunar module which simulates moon light based on the season table. I would like to keep the effect at all possible.

    Question #3
    I currently use BRS 1.1 Dosers, controlled also by the outlets. I dose them based on specific timer intervals multiple times a day, but not every day of the week. Do I need to replace these and purchase the doser or can I still use these? DO you recommend just purchase the doser?

    Question #4
    I monitor the Temperature in my Sump, and my Tank, as a form of redundancy, this this require me to buy the expansion box?

    Question #5
    I currently use a Tunze Auto Top off, with an extra sensor connected to a break out box to monitor in the event the ATO fails, what do I need for this.

    Question #6
    I currently use Two Swabbies for Multiple Skimmers that turn on 4 times a day every 4 hours for 4 minutes can I simulate this on outlets?

    Question #7
    I know you do not support the ApexWav pumps, so the next investment would be either Ecotech or the Mp40 ‘s, Reading the forums it seems a toss up for either or. Currently I am using the season table and control the pumps in intervals base don’t he season table to do things like Hi Tide, Lo Tide, Nutrient, Lagoon, and so forth so it simulates the ocean can I do the same if I purchase the Echotech controller and then the MP 40’s?
    Overall what I am looking at:

    Proilux 4 Ultimate Set
    (That power Bar will control my Return Pump, Swabbies, 1 Heater in Sump, ATO, and Calcium Reactor (1 Spare))
    PowerBar 5.1 (That Power Bar will be used to Control the Cebru Sun Lighting, and Tank Heater)
    STD4-4 Power Bar (That Power Bar will be used to control the Ocean Motions and Return Pump for them)

    Depending on the answers above:

    ProiLux Expansion Box
    Additional Temperature Probe
    Additional PH Module and Probe

    If the BRS1 are ok to use then another PowerBar 5.1 for the doser


    Special Cabling?

    Sorry for all the questions, but this is going to be a major investment and want to make sure I get everything right.
    Again thank you

  2. #2
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    Thank you for your interest in our ProfiLux 4 controller. Please see answers below.

    Q #1 (Answer): These functions are easily performed using our Illumination channels. Here, you will be able to set on/off times for each "channel" and assign them to the desired outlets on our powerbars.

    Q #2 (Answer): For simulation purposes, we offer our Mitras Simu-Sticks which include 4 independently dimmable LEDs. These simu-sticks can be used to simulate lunar cycles, thunderstorms, and sunset/sunrise. You can operate up to 4 Simu-sticks off of one Simu-Driver and one power supply which does not have to be connected to our powerbar.

    Q #3 (Answer): You have the option to continue using the BRS dosers. With the BRS doser, you will be able to control it by plugging it into a powerbar socket, creating a timer function, and assigning that timer function to a powerbar outlet. This option will of course take up additional powerbar sockets. As an alternative, you can use our Doser 2.1 Slave which takes up less space and does not require it to be connected to a powerbar outlet. Communication between our doser and ProfiLux 4 is done using our PAB cable.

    Q #4 (Answer): Not at all! The beauty of the ProfiLux 4 is that it already includes 3 expansion slots which can be fitted with any GHL expansion card you want. In your case, you would only need the PLM-pH/Redox-DigTemp expansion card. This card is inserted into an available expansion slot on the P4. With this, you can add a second Digital Temperature probe without the need to add an additional box.

    Q #5 (Answer): The P4 already includes support for ATO functions with multi-layered security measures. All you would need to add ATO functions to the P4 is an optical sensor or float sensor. These sensors are then connected to our PL-LF-Base2 assembly rod using respective sensor brackets.

    Q #6 (Answer): Yes, you can perform these tasks by using our Timer functions and setting it to "Cyclic" mode.

    Q #7 (Answer): Whichever pump you go with it can be programmed to behave in sequence with other pumps, surges, randomized, or continuous modes. You will also have the option to enable nocturnal mode which automatically decreases pump speed within a specified time range. If you go with the MP40 pumps, you will need a GHL Vortech Controller to operate it.

    No coding is necessary for programming the ProfiLux. All tasks are performed using drop-down boxes and menus.

    Based on the above, here is what you would need:

    • Profilux 4 Ultimate Set
    • PLM-pH/Redox-DigTemp (Expansion card for additional temp probe)
    • Digital Temp Probe (Additional probe)
    • pH probe (Additional probe)
    • 2x Powerbar 5.1 (For BRS dosers, skimmer, swabbies, return pump, heater, etc.) ***With this, you will have a total of 15 controllable outlets***
    • Mitras Simu-Stick (For creating lunar simulations and more)
    • Mitras Simu Driver (For connecting the simu-sticks to the ProfiLux controller)

    If you want to add ATO functions, you will need:
    • PL-LF-Base2 (Sensor assembly rod)
    • Optical Sensor OR Float Sensor
    • PL-LF-S12,angled for optical sensor OR PL-LF-S8 for float sensor

    • You will only need PAB cables if you decide to add PAB devices such as GHL Vortech Controller, GHL Doser 2 or 2.1, etc.

  3. #3
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    Do I need any special cables for the Power Bars, since one of the power bars in my basement.

  4. #4
    Join Date


    Only a PAB cable which is offered in various lengths. This is the same cable used to daisy chain other PAB devices.

  5. #5
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    Sorry, last question what do I use to extend the tempature probe down to the basement? I found the extension cables for the ph probe but was unsure on the tempature probe. Also for float sensor optical also. It will be approx 10-12 feet from the unit.

  6. #6
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    The digital temperature probe uses the same BNC extension cable as the pH probe and other probes with a BNC connector.

    The float sensor cable is extended with our VTN cable.

    Can the controller not be placed in the same room as the filtration area in your basement? With this, you can eliminate the need for extension cables and use the ProfiLux Touch display to check on the status of the tank, view probe readouts, etc. This can be done by running a PAB-cable up from your basement to the tank floor and connecting it to the ProfiLux Touch Interface.

  7. #7
    Join Date


    I can do that so that I order correctly, then I would need 1 pab cable for outlet control of my Hallide lights, one pab control cable for display unit, one Bnc extender for the temp probe. Do I place driver upstairs and use a pab cable to connect that also to the outlet?

  8. #8
    Join Date


    You will need:
    1x PAB cable to go from the P4 to the Powerbar 5.1 which will be upstairs and an additional PAB cable to connect one powerbar to the second powerbar upstairs. You said you have 6 outlets for your lights, so you will need a second powerbar upstairs to connect that 6th outlet.

    1x PAB cable to go from the second Powerbar upstairs to the ProfiLux Touch interface. The interface will be upstairs and connect directly to the Touch display with the included USB cable.

    2x VSL-5 cables to connect from the Mitras Simu Driver upstairs to the P4 controller. The Mitras Simu Driver uses a different communication cable and must therefore be connected directly to the controller by using the VSL cables. The driver has two ports, one for each VSL cable. This cable then connects to the L port on the P4.

    1x BNC extender for your temp probe

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