Are there any good tank bar mounting options out there for the 7204 other than the Mitras Flex Mount...?
Type: Posts; User: Salty150
Are there any good tank bar mounting options out there for the 7204 other than the Mitras Flex Mount...?
Are there any minimum or maximum lengths for the tubes connecting the KH or ION Director to the Doser 2.1 / Maxi Doser?
Are there any tube length limitations as far as connecting your KH / ION Director, Doser 2.1 / Maxi Doser, AWC / ATO, etc.?
Would like to have a separate cabinet with all the GHL equipment in it -...
Since this is a "Customer's wishes" thread... why not? lol
Get your auto feeder and phosphate ION add-on out soon - so I can make my GHL or Neptune decision... :)
So I can run an Alk test once a week - and all will be fine? The reagent won't clog the tube or the system won't lose calibration faster, or...?
Same with the Cal, Mag, etc. tests - once a week...
Is there a minimum number of times (a day? a week?) the Alk test should be run?
Neptune Trident forces you to run at least 4 Alk tests a day - or the reagent will crystallize in the tube and clog...
You are right - I wasn't comparing apples-to-apples...
Because I forgot, with the KH and ION Directors - you also need to buy the 2 GHL pumps (3 head) at $350 each.
So in order to test Alk,...
I'm just saying...
If you want to test the main three - Alk, Cal, and Mag - you have to buy two separate boxes and pay $1,000 from GHL.
To do the same at GHL's main competitor in the US - the...
I don't understand why the KH Director and Ion Director couldn't have been an all-in-one...
A GHL auto feeder would be a GREAT addition - and another reason to decide to go the GHL route instead of the Neptune Apex/Trident, etc.