
Type: Posts; User: dclifford

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  1. Control center crashes when trying calibrate ph probe.

    I have made 5 attempts to calibrate Ph probe on Kh director.
    Each time the software crashes while reading either the ph4 or ph7.
    Software just stops and becomes unresponsive. Any suggestions?
  2. Replies

    Cant Calibrate PH Probe. Software crash

    I have made 5 attempts to calibrate Ph probe.
    Each time the software crashes while reading either the ph4 or ph7.
    Software just stops and becomes unresponsive. Any suggestions?
  3. Replies

    Doser 2.1 looses time on power cut

    When my doser is unplugged or looses power supply, when it restarts, the time is reset. It will be reset if even only brief loss of power.
    Is there a back up battery in the unit that needs to be...
  4. ION director - Adding to KH director + 2 doser2.1

    I currently have a KH director and 2x Doser 2.1 set up and running with Triton.
    I have 2 spare heads in this setup. Is it possible to add an ION director to this or would I need additional...
  5. Replies

    Data logging Doser 2

    Is data logging available yet on KH director with Doser 2.
    The KH director product page suggests it is available. Buts I cant find any information in setting it up.
  6. Replies

    I got to take a proper look at the problem today....

    I got to take a proper look at the problem today. I opened up the kh director and there was no water damage inside. It was clean and dry inside.
    The salt residue was only on the outside and cleaned...
  7. Replies

    Sample water tube disconnected - no waste flow

    I found today that the water sample tube was off on the doser side. Some water in the bottom of the cabinet. There is a lot of salt build up on the outside of the kh director.
    I completed an empty...
  8. Replies

    I would really like to see this feature. It is...

    I would really like to see this feature. It is something I asked about previously.
  9. Thanks. I am dosing 16ml a day across 4 doses....

    I am dosing 16ml a day across 4 doses. I want to increase it to somewhere near 17ml. I was going to change it to 4 x 4.2ml and was wondering if that was actually acheivable. Pumps are set...
  10. What is Minimum dosing capability on Doser 2.1?

    Is there a minimum dose amount that can be completed at the different speeds? It looks like 0.1 ml is lowest that can be completed at any speed and the unit automatically rounds it to the nearest 0.1...
  11. Replies

    *This is my opinion and I am open to correction....

    *This is my opinion and I am open to correction. I would wait for further clarification before making a change.*
    In your sample case it would add 88 to every scheduled dose up to the next...
Results 1 to 11 of 11