I had exactly the same problem on my iPad. After updating to iOS 16.2 it stopped logging me out every 24 hours. The display is a bit screwed up but that's a known problem as mentioned above.
Type: Posts; User: Hayes10
I had exactly the same problem on my iPad. After updating to iOS 16.2 it stopped logging me out every 24 hours. The display is a bit screwed up but that's a known problem as mentioned above.
I'm not an expert by any means but my iOS app is working. Have you checked your WiFi version for updates. I previously had an issue that was caused by still being on an old WiFi version, once I...
On my ION Director nitrate is reading 0 when it should be reading 11. Do I set the offset as 11 or -11 to correct it?
I'd suggest manually dosing 47ml and see if that fills the line. If not try 48ml and keep woking your way up until it is filled.
What are you using to calibrate your dosing heads?
It is a bit irritating when it goes into full screen mode. I just close the app and reopen it, it only takes about 20 seconds. Granted we shouldn't need to do this though.
I've deleted plenty of...
I've set up the ION D and ran 3 tests. Each test has discharged some water out of the rear vent, is this normal?
The waste water on the front of the unit is working and returning water to the sump...
I have the P4 mega set with an additional plug bar, KHD, doser and level sensor. I have radions,M1 and MP40's. I control them through mobius, the M1 is linked to feed mode via a power bar. Is there...
My iPad updated to 14.7.1 the other day and I started having this problem. On a restart, my dashboard would only show Time, Sensors, Feed Pause and Maintenance no matter how many times I set and...
We got there in the end! Thanks Vinny.
Just wait until I get my hands on my ION D
So the volume change applies if the result is less than 1dkh from my target and the limit applies if the result is more than 1dkh from my target?
That makes sense for the volume change. The KHD wouldn’t be able to adjust more or less than 40%.
Do you have a similar explanation for the limit for raise and lower KH? This is the main...
My heads about to explode. I’ve watched the videos and read the manuals over and over.
In my example
Q1 restricts the dose to +/-40%
Q3 restricts the dose to +/-100%
Surely they...
I don’t claim to be too intelligent.
I read through the instructions plenty of times and I’m still confused.
The guide has clearly been updated to include the IOND which is great but...
This is hypothetical as I’m trying to get my head around something with adaptive mode.
Nominal value is 8dkh
Index 1 is set to Pump 4 (alk solution)
Volume change 40%
Limit for raise Kh 100%...
I can’t connect through the iOS app at the moment. After a few attempts I could connect through GCC on a laptop though.
Thanks Vinny.
I had a feeling this was the case, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing something wrong. I’ve adjusted the dosing schedule to 1ml x 22 (total 22ml) a day and I’ll see how I get...
My KHD is set to adaptive mode. The nominal value is set to 7.1 but I can’t reach that value. I’m happy that everything is calibrated correctly. It tests 6 times a day and the results are accurate. I...
Yeh I get where you’re coming from.
When I started I was dosing 24 x 0.5ml but found the KHD was struggling to keep it steady. I changed to 12 x 1ml and had more stable readings. Over the last...
How long have you been running both?
9 months.
How many times a day do you dose Triton?
17 x 1ml
How many times a day do you KHD test?
6 times
I’ve got one of these for my Radions.
Thanks Pit.
So I’ve found a couple of posts for cleaning probes but they are a bit dated and some of the links no longer work.
Would I cause problems or damage if I used citric acid powder mixed into ro...
I think I’ve read the instructions too much or I’m over thinking it and getting myself confused. I’ve opted to use the Adaptive Mode.
Does this sound about right?
I’ve set the Volume change to...
I’m finally ready to start controlling KH with the director but I’ve no idea how to set up the control.
I’m only dosing 8.5ml a day on Triton 3a/b. I’ve set the schedule for 17 doses of 0.5ml...
I thought the record function was only available on the P4 at the moment?