Hey vinny can you help me setting up my fish feeder
Type: Posts; User: Bahama1
Hey vinny can you help me setting up my fish feeder
Help I'm having the same problem how did you fix this problem
I had the same problem I had to clear the data and cache on my android phone and start installation again that worked. But now my P4 won't hold the wifi connection after 10 minutes, what should I...
I checked everything on the troubleshooting list still the same, I don't understand why it states that the last test was done on Dec 31st 1969 at 8:00pm. Also my P4 ph reads 7.64 while the KHD says...
I have a new KHD setup ran test 5 times each time it came back as Error Titration to long, can someone help me with this problem.
I have a new P4 and I'm trying to perform initial setup with my PC it keep giving me a error message when trying to load the dash board
So as long as I make a slave first l can use them together correct? Is that difficult to do
Good Morning
If I purchase a stand alone KH Director with a doser can I hook an extra slave doser to it, if not can I add a Profilux 4 to a stand alone KH Director?
Hi Everyone i'm new to GHL and i'm getting ready to purchased a Profilux 4 Controller and a KH Director.
I currently have kessil A360we lighting, ecotech mp 40 , various 8 pump skimz skimmer.