View Full Version : Setting PH Solenoid to turn off at desired value

19.01.2015, 07:35
The title should have read Co2 solenoid!

Ok could someone give me a bit of a guide here about how I make the socket 9 the Co2 solenoid turn off at a desired PH

I have tried with setting the nominal value to say 6.5 and hysteresis to 0.10 so was hoping the solenoid would switch off at 6.4 PH, and went into socket 9 and set to PH Value 1 decrease obviously this is incorrect as the solenoid shut straight off at 6.6?

So have had a look at the programming guide and have had a bit of a play around and still haven't worked it out.

Hope your out there Paul to lend some of you knowledge :cool:


19.01.2015, 19:53
So it came down from a higher figure and shut of at 6.6?

Can you post some screen shots of sockets and PH probe settings.

It seems what you are doing is right? Did you save immediately after changing? (must have other wise the solenoid would not have operated)