View Full Version : Doser 2 Apple device app release date?

12.12.2014, 23:20

I am just curious as to when you think the Doser 2 apple device app will be released?


13.12.2014, 15:51
GHL told me that they "hope" to have MY GHL Beta released before xmas and then the full published version in January. This will work on any platform as its cloud based. They are also working hard on the Iphone APP.

GHL are even now miles ahead of the game, the closest competition has no APP at all and no cloud software either currently ;)

13.12.2014, 18:28
GHL are even now miles ahead of the game, the closest competition has no APP at all and no cloud software either currently ;)

That's great that it's being worked on.

I don't know what you think GHL has that some other companies don't? I'm sure this won't go over well on a GHL forum but it's the honest truth. Neptune Systems has Apex Fusion, and it is cloud based software. Their doser is on par with what GHL has. No app, and two less pumps albeit :) But they have a remote controlled feeder.

Please don't get me wrong GHL. I have a whole system built out of your products :) I love the products themselves but there are problems just like any other company. No ones perfect, including GHL.

13.12.2014, 21:31
We are talking about Stand Alone Dosers on the thread NOT controllers ;)

The Neptune dosers is not even in the same league as the GHL for these reasons

You need a Neptune to run it
It has only two pumps

If you want 3 pumps you have to buy two units plus a Neptune add that together and you have to shell out nearly $1,000!! I kind of see it if you already have a Neptune but even then its an expensive box and cumbersome if you want 3 or 4 pumps!

The GHL Stand Alone Doser 2 has features built in the DOS has not as it needs the neptune then added expansions.

The DOS simply is apples to oranges to the Doser 2

13.12.2014, 22:31
I can talk about anything I want in this thread, I started it ;) I was referring to GHL products as a whole in my previous post.

GHL has its pluses without a doubt, but it also has its negatives. Does it have an automatic feeder out yet (Neptune does)? Do they have their own powerhead coming out that we don't know about (Neptune does)? Is it easy, for the common folk, to program (Neptune is compared to GHL products)?

Like I said before, I like GHL or I wouldn't have bought their products. But the holier than thou, we are infallible attitude does nothing but make me want to leave the GHL family.

Back on topic :)

I look forward to using myGHL, even more than the app. I noticed the dosing tab on the web interface that I hadn't seen before, it's slick.


13.12.2014, 22:37
Sorry for the confusion your first post said
Hi GHL, I am just curious as to when you think the Doser 2 apple device app will be released? So I naturally assumed you were just talking about the Doser 2, I was just stating fact no other stand alone doser has the features the Doser 2 has, but if you are now talking about the whole GHL range then yes they both have different plus and minus's although GHL remain the leader in mass propitiatory accessories. :cool:

Many thanks for your trust in GHL its great to hear people loving the product. It makes all the support worthwhile to read such positive feedback of the brand ;) I am sure GHL will continue too impress.

14.12.2014, 02:26

14.12.2014, 15:45
Antonio did you even read what I wrote? Cmon Antonio none of what you have written has any relevance to this thread or my reply. It seems yet again I have to spend 30 minutes defending myself for nothing. Its things like this that make our job supporting so massively more difficult. I should be out right now having Sunday breakfast with my family but I wake to this!!

Where was the words written "GHL are infallible" or even similar words to that?? They are not. SO why this now?

I wrote

GHL are even now miles ahead of the game, the closest competition has no APP at all and no cloud software either currently ;)

where in that sentence is it being said GHL are high and mighty? Its simply pointing the obvious based on the original question about the Doser 2 and that "currently" "NO OTHER" manufacturer of a stand alone doser has anything in terms of control suite for that unit that GHL currently has. Thats not being high an mighty its stating plain facts. The thread topic TITLE stated Doser 2, my reply was related to the doser 2 nothing else, not GHL as a whole or any other misconception, and what I wrote is factually correct.

I also find it very unprofessional that when a hobbyist starts his thread about his opinion regarding a product and just can't have a "normal" point-counterpoint discussion without things getting either out of hand or the thread closed by a moderator, you basically take away the basic principle of why I think our hobby is where it is today.

I 100% agree, BUT please show me where in this thread is any of the above quote relevant?? Antonio you are venting over absolutely nothing and now we actually do have a thread that has been turned 100% away from the OP thread topic and a classic reason why threads do get removed or edited, our reply post was factual and totally within the boundaries of the thread. These replies are not however.

I am not sure why a simple reply to a simple question would have people jumping on it with a lot of unreasonable and totally unrelated to the OP negativity. Cmon guys lets not turn a very simple thread into some totally unnecessary stress ball for us to have to defend.

I do not understand why on a Sunday I am having to defend a very simple factual reply where I add a bit of "fun" to the wording which is true facts also.

Please please I urge do not carry this on, you know the outcome always. The original post question has been answered.

14.12.2014, 19:03
I can shut this one down lol :)

Michael, I don't mean to attack you or GHL. I feel, due to the limitations of the internet and it's inability to convey tone, that when you add you "fun" aspect to your wording that it comes off smug. Like I said, not an attack, just that's how it can be interpreted.

I think as a GHL customer, and an Aqua-Digital customer, it would be nice just every once and a while to hear someone say "yep, that's our bad, we will try and fix it". My Doser 2 not having an instruction manual for example. Instead a lot of what I hear, and maybe I'm just slower than the rest of the GHL user base is "nope it's your fault as the user, you should have known better".

In the end I want a product that's near infinite in it's possible configurations and uses. That by nature can not be without its technical knowledge requirements. Some of us aren't super familiar with the product, like you and GHL employees are and can get **********. That boils into all sorts of conversations and things that have nothing to do with my originial post :) We obviously like GHL products or we wouldn't be buying them, so there is no need to pad your responses with the pro-GHL propaganda.

At least you're at home with your family on Sunday.... I'm stuck at work.

Now everyone hug :)


14.12.2014, 19:30

14.12.2014, 20:10
It would be in Apples hands now if GHL had submitted it to the App department.

14.12.2014, 21:28
Firstly many thanks for the emailed apologies they are respected and appreciated. My reply here does not detract from that appreciation. But two points need to be clarified as this is a public arena and correct info must be at all times be published.

It would be in Apples hands now if GHL had submitted it to the App department.

NOBODY wrote any IOS APP had been submitted to apple yet. Nowhere. GHL said they are "working on it" and so did we based on that shared info.

But anyway, the reply brings up yet another issue we have to address as this thread can be read by millions of potential purchasers so correct info must be at all times be published.

it would be nice just every once and a while to hear someone say "yep, that's our bad, we will try and fix it". My Doser 2 not having an instruction manual for example.

YES all dosers come with a manual, a quick start manual and in that quick start manual on Page 2 of the quick start guide its reads (Text copied from the manual)

For more information you can find the latest detailed user guide in the download section at our website www.aquariumcomputer.com

The reason for this is because the manual more so with a new product will change at any given notice so a user could buy a unit sitting on a stores shelf for 4 weeks and end up with an out of date manual. So it makes zero sense in publishing the full manual in hard copy. GHL can not be blamed if that information is missed and then be expected apologize for it I do not believe that is a fair expectation.

Scott if you got a published manual it would have been out of date so you would have been upset with that also, by the time people started receiving their dosers amendments had been already made. So by having the info supplied to where to download the current one was far more beneficial to you then an out of date manual with an out of date IP address and other small changes.

I agree internet and forums carry no tone, people will read text in the tone they wish to and this is often where things go wrong, but the issue is as the people that support the community we have to from time to time point out where something is posted and not be correct especially when it affects the reputation of the product as in this regard now the manual. Yes it can read as defensive, but when something is published on the web billions of people have access to it, and in this case (the manual) the info is not correct in regards to no manual so we then have to come online and make note of that to make sure the correct information is made available.

I got your email ;) The reason we add some hype sometimes to threads is simply marketing, you have purchased the product that's great and believe me hand on heart I am very grateful for that trust in GHL, however thousands of other people reading it may have not so its a good opportunity to "promote the brand". Its not being smug its just shouting out to the greater world how good the product is. Please understand its not just you that will be reading the reply, often forum posts people take as personal replies like an email. Posts are public they address everyone that finds the link.

I personally have without doubt THE hardest market in the whole of the GHL distributed area to break, it has more competition than anywhere else it also is THE most consumer demanding in terms of support and expectations, the expectation of instant fix is huge in this market, that's not a negative just a different consumer expectation that we have to support, and its not easy. I have to personally manage this myself 7 days a week. We have to use limited resources to get our message across, our message can not always meet everyones wishes or expectations but we have to go with the flow. Our job is to make GHL #1 in North America and with that you will see from time to time marketing within our replies, or addressing info published by end users that could potentially mislead, its simply business of getting the right message out there.

I am sorry if that does not sit favourably with you Scott or Antonio :( but please understand we are doing the best for all of you all the time as Antonio only found out this very weekend when we sent him a brand new battery free of charge for his SMS unit and also offered if that does not fix it to replace the unit at our cost (no profit) as its out of warranty. So please forgive me if I come across a little tetchy with this thread that was created by a simple and genuine reply and suddenly went epic.

Respectfully I honestly think enough has been said now so please can we let it rest, for the sake of my headache if nothing else ;) Man you guys can give me a hard time sometimes ;)

I really do appreciate the emails received from this thread and also appreciate people communicating by email if they have any issues, it makes our life a whole lot less stressful and more constructive in dealing with any confusions.

All the very best