View Full Version : Burning-in period and preventing light shock

11.10.2014, 09:16

I have a T5 fixture with a number of Dali controlled dimming channels.
In a few months it is time to replace some of my bulbs and before I have a question.

All my illumination curves can be described as a (lifted) negative parabola (0-100%). For this I used all of the 12 setting points. Only 2 points are 0%. I'm afraid my corals get a light shock when I only set the burning in counter to 100 hours. In that case I get 12 hours of full illumination. I almost get 40% more light then. Also the new bulb gives more output.

Is there a way I temporally assign a another illumination run for this (without the need to change the current one). And is the a reduction factor (0-1) after this burning in period for the livestock to get used to the new output?
Reduction factor like the option to change time over a period instead of at once...

How do others deal with this?

Thanks in advance,

14.12.2014, 12:26

Yesterday I have replaced 2 t5 bulbs (1 channel) and assigned them (temporally) to an other illumination channel. Instead of 12 hours partly dimmed light a day I now have 6 hours of 100% light a day during the next 100 hours.

Not a nice option, but it works.