View Full Version : ledcontrol4V2 active

09.04.2014, 21:37
I have a small question about the ledcontrol4V2. Is it necessary to connect the power supply to the controller if i use LED lights with a separate PWM wire ? Or can i plug he PWM wire in the LEDcontrol ports 2/3/4/5 and the power plug in the wall outlet ?

11.04.2014, 11:10
No reply's ?

14.04.2014, 06:24

GHL Support
15.04.2014, 08:40
Sorry, but we don't understand your question. Could you please explain it again, also with more details (what exactly do you like to connect here)?

15.04.2014, 10:52
Do i have to connect the power supply to the GHL ledcontrol, or can i connect the power supply to te LED strip and only connect the PWM cable to te GHL ledcontrol ? I have a total 81Watts of ledbar that i want to control, and they have a PWM wire to control them..

GHL Support
16.04.2014, 11:51
Yes, you have to connect the power supply unit to the LED-control4 at any case.
This is also described in the manual here: