View Full Version : Moon Simulation does not appear to be working

04.04.2013, 00:43
Hi All,
I am new to these lights and have to say they are the best thing ever.
Worth all the money they cost.
I am having one issue that i cannot seem to get the moon lights working.
More than likely the way i have it setup.
I have the simulation checked just for the royal blues and i am showing a new moon with about quater of the moon white the rest darkened out.
Hope someone can help with this as i would like to see everything that these babies are capable of.

04.04.2013, 01:47
What time of day/night are you viewing it looking for the simulation to be on? I know when I got up this morning the moon was still very much out meaning it's late in the night to getting started.

04.04.2013, 08:30
I have the moon phase started to go on at 21:00 and off at 1 am.
I do notice in th eproject that all lighhts are at zero at 11:59 and would this be causing a problem.
Do i need to change this so that the one in question stays on.

08.04.2013, 15:09

12.04.2013, 18:24
the preset intensity of the LED channel in question will be multiplied by the moon cycle (0% ... 100%) during moon phase period (here 21:00 ... 1:00)

to see the moon at night your royal blue needs to be on at night at a certain level, e.g. 2%

is that the case?

18.04.2013, 12:23
All is working now thank you for your help.