View Full Version : can not connect to webserver

18.03.2013, 07:24
every time i go to system -webserver I set the password to 6 letters then save and close. when I reopen ithas 8 dots in the password box ( I am hoping that this is why I can not connect ( I have tried 8 letters and no luck ) any suggestions would help....Andre

18.03.2013, 08:02
when I reopen it has 8 dots in the password box

That doesn´t matter. The 8 dots are not placeholders for the real password but only a hint "This is a password". It would be easy up cracking if you show an attacker the real number of digits.

I can not connect ( I have tried 8 letters and no luck ) any suggestions would help
Try a simple pass with no special chars like "123456" for test purposes

Hint: The login name is case sensitive - it has to be "Admin" or "Guest" but not "admin", "ADMIN", "AdMiN" or any other lettering

18.03.2013, 16:12
Please make sure you have closed the PLC connection before connecting true the app. As there can only be one connection!