View Full Version : Conductivity Probe

31.01.2013, 08:17
I recently purchase a GHL system and order a Freshwater Conductivity probe and the Freshwater Conductivity/Redox module (PL-0002) - I have discovered that I have in fact been sent the Saltwater Conductivity probe as apparently you do not do the Freshwater probe anymore - it however looks like I have still been sent the PL-0002 instead of the PL-0004.

Can you please explain the difference between the PL-0002 and PL-0004.

I am new to this but the conductivity values I am seeing do not look correct.


31.01.2013, 09:12
Can you please explain the difference between the PL-0002 and PL-0004.

The difference is the measurement range - PL-0002 : 0-2mS for fresh water PL-0004 : 0-100mS for sea water
The difference of the probe is only the material of the electrode: carbon for fresh water only (no longer available), platinum plated for fresh- and sea water

the conductivity values I am seeing do not look correct.
You should tell us what you see and why you think it´s wrong

31.01.2013, 09:56
Thanks for the quick reply.

Just seems like it is reading a bit high to me - I did the calibration process and then removed it from the sump and did it again 2 months later but readings stayed the same.

Showing my Freshwater Tank with no salt added and low general hardness as a Conductivity of in excess of 550.

Water is very clean.

31.01.2013, 10:08
Just seems like it is reading a bit high to me

You can test it with destillated water (the one for car batteries) - the value should drop down if your value is correct.
Another way is to ask your municipal administration for the water values and test it with tap water