View Full Version : How to switch a socket of that is using a timer

10.11.2012, 21:37
I have a socket number 6 activated from 20.00 until 07.00 (moonlight) on a timer (timer 1)
What I want is that this socket number 6 switch of by a thunderstorm and switch on when thunderstorm is finished. and go on with the timer cycle again.

Is this possible?
And how ofcourse :-)

11.11.2012, 08:49
entschuldige, dass ich in Deutsch antworte, aber wenn ich mit meinen dürftigen Englisch-Kenntnissen deine Frage richtig verstanden habe, dann wäre die Antwort darauf:

definiere eine ProgrLog:
Funktion = AND
Eingang 1 = timer 1
Eingang 2 = Thunderstorm (+ invers, ist ja nur ein Häkchen zu setzen)

soket number 6 = ProgrLog

good luck :o

11.11.2012, 10:00
So this means when both are activated socket 6 will switch. This I understand. But when my socket is already running a timer (timer 1)
How can I give this socket 6 two functions. Timer function and the progrlog functioning at the same time. Or do I misunderstand your answer.

Ps I understand German but writing is not that good....:o

11.11.2012, 11:23
So this means when both are activated socket 6 will switch. This I understand. But when my socket is already running a timer (timer 1)
How can I give this socket 6 two functions. Timer function and the progrlog functioning at the same time. Or do I misunderstand your answer.

Ps I understand German but writing is not that good....:o

O.K. That's what I mean (see pictures):

First set a ProgLog (1) like this:
3201<<for EINGANG 1 , and for EINGANG 2 >>3202<< ACHTUNG: hier das Häckchen setzen "invers" !!!

3203 << don't forget "Speichern"

At Next go into the Menü System - Powerbars :

3204 << at last "Speichern" to your ProfiLux ! :)

11.11.2012, 11:30
Ok Peter,

I Will set this one up And see what will happen. When it is not complete what I mean I will come back on this otherwise thanks for your great support.

11.11.2012, 12:47
O.K. That's what I mean

Thanks a lot Peter this is perfect. Just as I wanted it to work.