View Full Version : Dosing Pump - Values

28.05.2012, 12:20
Hi all,

I was wondering if the profilux system stores any values for the dosing pump. Specifically:

1. If the dosing was successful - Did it dose, did it jam etc
2. The amount it dosed confirmed

I was thinking of writing an app that gave me a report of what was dosed and when, also would be nice to get alarms if the dosing did not happen.

Would be interesting to see what you guys say

28.05.2012, 14:56
I would love to see that

28.05.2012, 17:37
i would write it and give it out for free, just need to know if they store the values

28.05.2012, 20:44
That can´t work - there is no response form the doser - no error and also no dosing amount you can use for that.
The pumps are very reliable in operation, but they may fail or the reservoir may go empty. Regardless what happens - there is no chance to get an information about that (at the moment).

28.05.2012, 20:45
Thanks - that is what I was worried about. So it's a "dumb" device when it comes to values.